If you need a simple and effective app to list items for your next shopping, use Shopping List (Privacy Friendly)

Almost everyone goes out to get stuff for themselves or their family. I have been the errand girl in my family even when my younger ones are in the house, my mum and dad would call me for anything that requires going out to far places. This gets better when my dad decides to drive me out because I don't know how to drive. I am learning with Dr Driving, maybe I will start testing what I have been doing on the game. I hope I won't get my dad's car bashed. hahaha:

I have had plenty of issues with my mum whenever she sent me out to get some groceries for the family. I normally forget some of the things they sent me, and I had to adopt the style of penning down whatever I need to buy. This style has been working for me, but it hasn't been handy. I will be roaming in the mall with a paper of my hand whenever I need to buy plenty of things for the family. I just had the thought some days ago that I should get a free app that would work to help me list the things I need to buy in a more advanced way than using note apps. I searched and I found. The name of the app that I found is the Shopping list.

The first thing that I like about this app is the privacy that is joined to the name. When I installed this app, I was waiting for a pop up that I should grant some certain permissions, but I wasn't like that. The app does not need any permission on user's phone.

By launch, the app contains hints on how to use the app, which makes it very easy. I do not think I need this feature. The app is very straight forward and the hints are meant for maybe someone very new to Androids.

The interface is very clean, and the main big PLUS button is down below the page. This button is used to create a list of the things user want to buy. As shown in the screenshot below, The page contains features that make this app very much useful than just listing out things to buy on a note pad.

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The first column is the Shopping List Name. The Switch button at the front is used to enable and disable statistic, which I turned on because I want to be seeing the stats of the things I will be buying and the amount spent for the family. There is a feature to select the priority of the shopping and the deadline for it. I chose High for the priority on the screenshot, and I set a deadline for it. I included a reminder so I won't forget the time before I get my ass whip.

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After the shopping list had been created, users can now add the products that he/she will be buying. A similar big PLUS button is still created in the app for users to add these products, quantity, price, notes, category and store which the product will be bought. This page also contains a feature to upload pictures, so one will be sure about the brand to buy. I remember when I sent my sis to get Hollandia of strawberry flavour, she went and get a different flavour for me. I am sure if she had the photograph of the product with her she probably wouldn't have made such a mistake.

When the lists of the product are created, the page looks like the image below with boxes to check when the user had bought the product. If you look closely, you would see that two of the products are checked and looks faded. This is to ensure that the user will not buy one product twice.

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There are other basic features in this app. Delete. This is always needed in an app like this. I always clear off lists of the things I have bought. The settings section contains some features for users to make the app behave on the ways they want. Most of the setting there are basic and I won't be talking about them.

This is an app I will recommend for people to use. I have not used any similar app before but I think this one gives me exactly what I need.

Thank you!


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