Remaining: 75 days


  • The Kingdom Without Limit (@krolestwo) is a non-commercial meeting place in Krakow. It combines elements of a cultural center, cafe, school, museum, library and coworking space.
  • The Kingdom is the only place in the world that demonstrates the usefulness of the Hive blockchain on many different levels with its daily operation.
  • No one can actively participate in the life of the Kingdom without having a Hive account.
  • The Kingdom has been promoting Hive since early 2018, but needs support to be more effective at it.
  • Recently, the Kingdom has been visited by many programmers. We want to encourage them to code on Hive by organizing Hive Coding School.
  • The three-month support for the team's work will culminate in the release of a detailed report on the achieved results.

1. What exactly is the Kingdom?

Kingdom Without Limit or simply KBK is a non-commercial meeting place in the center of Kraków, Poland.

It combines elements of a cultural center, cafe, school, museum, library, coworking space and social technology startup. This rather unusual combination probably makes it the only such a place in the world.

You can come to the Kingdom to meet new people or meet old friends, play board games, paint, make something out of clay, read books, work in peace, discuss, attend a thematic meeting, sing, have beverages from different parts of the world (including those made to our own recipe), eat homemade chocolate or set up a Hive account. It is a place where many ideas are born and later realized.

The Kingdom attaches great importance to making everyone feel comfortable. It tries to get involved in various charitable activities, such as helping war refugees or victims of natural disasters. It runs free Polish language classes for foreigners living in Krakow. It provides space free of charge to all those who want to hold open meetings and share their passions with others.

Polish Hive community meeting. You can find here: @jocieprosza, @lesiopm, @asia-pl, @wadera, @rozku, @szmulkberg, @mynewlife, @dobranoc, @gwyddpel, @gtg, @prawdawtvmowili, @engrave and @hallmann.

HiveBeeCon 2023. You can find here: @anialavender, @asia-pl, @blind-spot, @deepresearch, @delishtreats, @dobranoc, @edje, @evelynchacin, @growandbow, @gtg, @hallmann, @hiacynt, @jocieprosza, @justynao, @lemony-cricket, @litosci, @livinguktaiwan, @llunasoul, @lpa, @m31, @mipiano, @mynewlife, @osavi, @ph1102, @phortun, @priyanarc, @psypek, @thebeedevs and @zirochka.


Open Studio. You can find here: @bureczko, @emiliagarbien, @foggymeadow, @fsroka, @hallmann, @marmoladka, @minary, @nowara and @thedarzya.

Blockchain Friday. You can find here: @ania-es, @arseniusjigger, @azes, @foggymeadow, @goroc, @hallmann, @janekrzodki, @kesilgonzalez, @mynewlife and @prawdawtvmowili.

Polish classes for Ukrainian refugees. You can find here: @hallmann, @makaroshka and @szmulkberg.

Bitcoin Pizza Day. You can find here: @deepresearch, @grigorijj, @hallmann, @karolkonopacki, @kesilgonzalez, @rdr97 and @twisniewski333.

Hive workshops. You can find here: @azes, @foggymeadow, @gtg, @hallmann, @katetravel, @kjensen, @mindmat, @nieczyne and @osavi.

Creative Coding Tuesday. You can find here: @annawo, @szmulkberg and @wieprz.

Everyone has their own story about the Kingdom. Here are some of them:

Just looking at how KBK is operated and run through the hive blockchain and how passionate every member was sucked me in immediately. They were more than welcoming and never made me feel like an outsider. Very quickly I felt like I was among close friends.

Story by @blind-spot

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KBK is not just confined within the Hive community, it has a connection with the outside world as well. It's a creative place based on the Hive blockchain and world.

Story by @priyanarc

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A place I could not explain well with photos and words, as one just has to be there and feel the vibe. Experience the different approach - I simply loved it. I think we all truly loved it, with every little detail and in global, what it represents.

Story by @mipiano

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There are several rooms in Krolestwo and each of them was literally buzzing with lively conversations. Everyone was fascinated by the unique decor and very special atmosphere of the place so there was a lot questions about Krolestwo and Dawid was busy answering and explaining everything but he still somehow also managed to make sure that everyone felt like home.

Story by @phortun

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Some of the locals came to the event and stayed a short time which was another obstacle to enjoying their company... While others, like myself, @mipiano, and @edje were coming over and over again to the KBK for 3 days in a row...

Story by @ph1102

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My favourite part of the venue is this big wardrobe by the kitchen on the left and toilet on the right. It's a logical place for people to hang their coats and bags. Or so I thought. Except I couldn't be more wrong!! I opened the wardrobe door and it took me into another world. And I'm not joking!!!

Story by @livinguktaiwan

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I had such an interesting feeling in @krolestwo - you can pay Hive/Hbd for anything. If I look at it not from the point of view of technology (which is awesome), but in terms of the budget... Since I do not consider my Hive/HBD as profit, therefore payment in Hive/HBD is not an expense!

Story by @zirochka

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I instantly fell in love with @krolestwo. It's such a cozy place that makes you feel like home. There are so many small details that you don't know where to look first. When I get caught up in the moment I usually forget to take photos.

Story by @delishtreats

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A beautiful place where peeps help each other, where creativity flows, where game rules are made as we go, where homebrew drinks are served, and where peeps are super!

Story by @edje

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Krolestwo Bez Kresu is known for its friendly atmosphere and openness to technological innovations, which made it perfect for our event.

Story by @kesilgonzalez

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I participated in a ceramics workshop organized by @krolestwo - it is a unique place, very Hive-friendly. The workshops conducted by @hallmann were completely free, all thanks to funding from the @valueplan fund.

Story by @szejq

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And when we came here, we really saw very different and wonderful people here. Entering this room, you seem to be transported to another world, a world unlike any other.

Story by @darine.darine

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When I got to the Kingdom, I was under a very positive impression. After all, the retro space always fills me with a special harmony! Everything here smelled of antiquity! Candles, tables in the form of old suitcases, a cassette music player, paintings, chess, and a unique rocking chair, in which we all took photos :)

Story by @olga.maslievich

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Right from the threshold, I was captured by the atmosphere of the KBK. Seemingly dusty and somewhat ancient, the place is in fact bustling with life and teeming with micro-adventures and exhibits, each of which seems to have its own story.

Story by @deepresearch

2. Hive in the Kingdom

The Kingdom landed on the blockchain in 2018. This is where most of the meetings of the Polish Hive community take place.

Not only the only one in Kraków, not even the only one in Poland! Królestwo is the only place in Europe that accepts HBD, but also uses them to fuel its economy.

2.1. NGOs pain points & Hive solutions

However, Królestwo is not a business. It’s a non-profit community space. This fact makes KBK an even more unique place on the map of the blockchain world. The technology has become a solution to many problems inherent in NGO world:

First of all, the Hive blockchain has made it possible to create its own token (Rycar • RCRT), with which KBK can reward engagement.

It can be exchanged for various rewards or held and staked, as it represents voting power during the legislative process. There is no doubt that it is this mechanism, inspired by the operation of Hive, that has allowed the Kingdom to survive for nine years.

This is a major achievement, as most non-commercial venues in Poland manage to survive for no more than 2 years.

Tokenization has also made it possible to effectively stimulate community activity.

A perfect example is the Facebook campaign launched in May of this year, where you can receive RCRT for likes and comments. This has led to a several-fold increase in the number of responses, which in turn has greatly expanded the number of new visitors to the Kingdom.

Book Club by @lpa.


A Ghanaian Hive tale by @mynewlife.

Chocolate making workshop.


Night of Museums.

2.2. Hive as a database

Blockchain is not just about tokens, however. The Kingdom also uses Hive as a database. Here are examples:

  • The @krolestwo account publishes daily reports with basic statistics. For many people (especially those who don't use Facebook), this is the main source of information about what's going on at the property.
  • On the @krolestwo.prawo account, the rules of the KBK are published. Thanks to blockchain, any attempt at an unauthorized change to the law will be noted.
  • On the @ksiazki account, a library system is created so that people can borrow books. Everything is recorded in the blockchain and it is known exactly who borrowed a particular book.
  • The @muzeum account publishes a detailed description of the exhibits that are housed in the Museum of Tinkering and Thievery located in the KBK restroom (you will find Justin Sun there, for example).

The rewards from the entries published on the aforementioned accounts contribute to the Kingdom Development Fund. In recent years a dishwasher, a piano, an air fryer, a speaker and new tables have been purchased thanks to the HBD collected in the Fund.

And while the KBK survives primarily thanks to donators, whose gifts help pay the bills each month, it thrives mainly thanks to Hive. It is a very important fundraising tool.


Ceramics workshop.

Concert of @margrzeta and @justynao.

A lecture on bees.

A lecture on languages.

2.3 Hive Aid

The Kingdom uses it not only to meet its own needs, but also for humanitarian aid. Such is the role of the @hive.aid account, which uses the collected HBD for charitable activities and, with the collected HP, creates new accounts (with RC delegations).

Onboarding is an important part of the Kingdom's activities, as Hive is the main platform for KBK’s communication. One cannot actively participate in the life of the KBK without having a Hive account. If a person wants to submit a proposal or vote, then must have an account. The same goes for voting on books at a Book Club, receiving prizes in various contests, or borrowing books.

All this makes the Kingdom the only place in the Universe where Hive is used (and tested, by the way) on many different levels, and not just for payments.


The first aid transport to Ukraine.

Piano purchased for HBD.

Speaker purchased for HBD.

"This place is growing thanks to blockchain."

3. Why this proposal?

The Kingdom has been promoting Hive from the bottom up for many years, showing with our daily work how useful the technology is. Until recently, we did this without any funding.

The situation changed in April this year. The Kingdom received support from the Value Plan, which was used to organize events and promotion. The effects appeared very quickly. You can read about them in the reports (1, 2, 3 and 4).

The 6 months of cooperation with the Value Plan have shown that the additional funding of the Kingdom has produced amazing results. Thanks to the actions taken, the place is visited by more people, who naturally learn about Hive.

Unfortunately, there is one problem. The Value Plan, as a rule, does not cover labor costs, and anyone who has ever worked in an NGO knows that no activity will sustain itself for a longer time period if it is based only on volunteers. Maintaining the current pace of change (let alone increasing it) requires paying people for their work. This is necessary if we want to promote Hive more effectively.

4. What do we want to do?

4.1. The Core Team

Firstly, we want to develop and implement a marketing strategy focused on using Hive in the Kingdom. There is no doubt that a systematic, more thoughtful and organized promotion will yield much better results than the occasional one we are dealing with now.

To this end, it is necessary to create a permanent team that will meet regularly and share the tasks of promoting KBK and popularizing Hive. We call it The Core Team.

The team will deal with, among other things:

  • stimulating the involvement of KBK’s regular visitors and their use of Hive-based tools;
  • exposing the use of the Hive blockchain in KBK and building trust in the technology, which in Poland is mainly associated with speculation and scam;
  • promoting KBK in the blockchain community as a unique venue using the technology;
  • showing KBK as an example to various NGOs of how blockchain can be used in social activities;
  • using tools available for free to NGOs (e.g. Google Ad Grants, Google Maps for nonprofits) for promotion;
  • increasing the production of chocolate from cocoa beans sourced from villages where Hive builds wells;
  • combining the escape room at KBK with a blockchain-based game and using the thousands of postcards already printed for promotion;
  • exploiting the advertising potential of the KBK’s street-facing windows and screen;
  • strengthening the KBK tokenomics.

Participation in the working group has already been declared by: @foggymeadow, @fsroka, @hallmann, @lpa, @mciszczon, @mligeza, @szmulkberg, @wayward-dreams and @wstawarz.

This is not a closed group and will be expanded if necessary. Its members will be billed hourly.

5 windows of the Kingdom.

One of the board games created in the Kingdom.

4.2. Arts&Crafts Workshops

Second, we want to continue the art-related activities powered by Hive and expand them to include linocut and other simpler forms, such as collage.

The past months have shown that the workshops are very popular and build confidence in Hive. They gather creative people, so they are an ideal opportunity for onboarding every time. Thanks to the work of the marketing team, their effect will be even greater.

The arts&crafts workshops will be guided by @hallmann and @foggymeadow.


The first fired works that were created during the ceramics workshop.


Open studio.

4.3. Hive Coding School

Thirdly, we want to organize the Hive Coding School, which is multifold project consisting of:

  • Regular weekly workshops taking place in KBK in Kraków, Poland. There we will learn about the blockchain and how to build tools and apps on Hive.
  • Published video courses, which will be recorded during the lessons in KBK.
  • An online documentation and a set of tutorials. All the knowledge and materials from the Coding School will be shared as a hypertext documentation, so all the community can make use of it.

We expect that an important effect of the activity will be to familiarize at least a few programmers with Hive, who will join the Kingdom's activities and participate in future hackathons we organize.

These activities will be published under the @hive.coding account.


Talking about Hive with witnesses: @gtg and @blocktrades.

4.4. History Witnesses App

@mciszczon is going to build a specialized Hive app for publishing and rewarding recorded relations of witnesses of historical events, such as Second World War.

There are multitude of positive outcomes:

  • The app will connect the cutting edge Hive blockchain technology with a history-oriented purpose, proving the usefulness of the blockchain.
  • It will also help popularize Hive in history-related NGOs in Poland and outside of it.
  • Hive Coding School attendees will help build the app, giving them hands-on experience in building Hive apps.
  • During the development of the app, we will use many tools (such as wax), for which we can give valuable feedback to its developers and report any bugs.
  • We will also create documentation for these tools, and tutorials on how to use them in practice.

The Core Team will help with the marketing aspect of the app. Also it is worth noting, that a large group of friends of the Kingdom are history teachers in high schools—which will make it easier to find users and onboard them.

4.5. Summary

The activities included in this proposal are planned for three months. If they have the intended effect, we will want to continue them.

Of course, all three elements of the proposal are closely intertwined and require professional coordination:

  • For example, creating an app without proper marketing misses the point, because an app without users will be dead.
  • On the other hand, the Hive Coding School activity provides a basis for the working team to think about new tools based on Hive.

5. Expected results for Hive

  • Enlargement of the Polish Hive community by at least 100 new accounts.
  • Doubling the number of @theDistriator users in the Kingdom (currently there are 10).
  • Organizing at least 20 events powered by Hive (including at least 6 artistic ones).
  • Creating an app to publish accounts of witnesses to history.
  • At least 6 people to learn how to code in the Hive environment.

Of course, one of the expected outcomes is also an improvement in the economic situation of the Kingdom itself, resulting from increased attendance.

Currently, the KBK is balancing on the brink of profitability. Reversing this situation with DHF will build positive PR for Hive.


Presentation at Hive Fest in Split.

6. Budget

The desired budget for three months is 23,500 HBD, which is 7833 HBD each month. Below you can find the details on how the budget is going to be split between all the projects:

Core Team rewards7000 HBD (700 hrs x 10 HBD)
Reward for contests and promo actions4500 HBD (3 months x 1500 HBD)
Materials for art&cratfs workshops, ceramics firing2000 HBD
Running Hive Coding School2700 HBD
Building the History Witness App1300 HBD
Coordination6000 HBD (3 months x 2000 HBD)
In total23500 HBD

7. Transparency

In the period between the publication of this proposal and its activation, we plan to hold a live stream during which we will discuss the Proposal and answer any questions from the community.

You can submit your questions in advance, too! Just leave a comment here and we will answer it during the live stream.


  • For the duration of the Proposal, we will regularly report our activities—especially those related to the work of the Core Team.
  • On @hive.coding account we will release the recorded Hive Coding School lessons, as well as publish additional materials, documentation and tutorials.
  • After the Proposal duration is over, we will also publish an extensive summary and an account statement of everything that will have happened.

Our aim is for our work to be as transparent to community as possible. This is in line with our values and the values of Królestwo Bez Kresu, which is a community-first transparent venue.

Help the Kingdom!

Despite six years of activity on the blockchain, as well as a presentation at HiveFest in Split, there is still a large part of the Hive community that does not know about the existence of the Kingdom. Therefore, in addition to voting for the proposal, you can help KBK spread the word by reblogging it or providing information in other ways.

Vote for this proposal: Ecency | | Peakd

Thank you for your support!
