The Ink Well Fiction | Prosperia

The kingdom of Prosperia is a magical land that runs by the hope of the people and brings property to all of the personnel. The more people of this land are happy and hopeful of prosperity, the more the kingdom improves.
People were living happily under the rule of the Esperon family. The family had been ruling the kingdom for a couple of years. People loved them. They had good relations with the neighboring countries also at least that is what they thought.
Everything was going smoothly. No chaos, no betrayal, no violence. But, suddenly all hopes were lost! Several neighboring countries were getting jealous of the prosperity of the Prosperia. Thus they orchestrated a devious plan.


Somewhere in the dark!

'We all know why we have been gathered here.' (p1)

'Yes, we do.' everyone spoke which sounded like thousands of bees buzzing.

'Well than. Let us hear what we have to say to turn hopes into hopelessness.' (p1)

'Their hope comes from the royal family. If only we can somehow do something then...' (p2)

'What can we do? Anyone interested in sharing ideas?' (p1)

'How about we kill all of the royal family members?' (p3)

Several agreed, but most were not. As they all knew, the royal family is heavily guarded. It was impossible to do anything in the castle.

'Then what? We are far too weak even we combined all of our strengths compare to them.' (p4)

'Yes, it would be impossible, even if we wait several years to gather enough strength we would still be far behind as they would develop in the meantime also!' (p5)

'So, what can we do? Do you have any idea to share?' (p1)

'Indeed I have thought of a plan. Though it might seem unrealistic and the possibility of success is near to zero.' (p2)

'What is it? What is it?' all asked.

'You know, the queen is expecting. So, if we can somehow detach them of the child, then the Esperon family would become hopeless. Seeing them hopeless, the people are also bound to be hopeless. This might impact on their protection spell. Not only that, as they are fueled by Hope, it might even be the stepping stone of their downfall.' (p2)

'This may just work. But the question is what will happen to the child?' (p1)

'If kept alive, he might become a beacon of hope. We cannot risk that. We have to finish it. Waiting till it sees the light of the world will be dangerous, so we need to take necessary measure to prevent it seeing the light of the earth.' (p2)

'In the next meeting we will sit to talk about the plan. Till then we hope that everything remain sealed.'

The excited ones, had no clue that they triggered a warning bell using the word 'Hope'.


King Esperosa woke up from sleep trembling. He saw a horrible dream, thus his sleep was interrupted. He was careful of not breaking his wife's sleep as she was expecting. The dream was opaque, which made him worried. It was almost dawn, he knew, the magi was awake as his daily routine involoved waking up at 3:00 a.m. to cancel out the negative energy of that time.
Changing from his nightwear, he rushed towards the room of the magi.
He was surprised to see the door opened. It was unusual for the door of the magi to be opened at this time. He was hesitant of entering the room. Then he heard the voice of the magi.

'Please my King come inside. The door is kept open for you.'

Entering the room the King asked,'Did you know I was going to come?'

'Yes. I had a wake up call. If I am not mistaken you have had one. I am eager to hear it out. I think we will be facing some sort of hazard in near future. But I cannot say exactly until I learn from you.'

Then the King told the wise magi about the dream. While listening his face turned red with anger. Finishing the story, he asked the magi about his expression chage.

'Oh King! The thing you told uncovers a devastating plot aganinst the Esperon family, aganist Prosperia.'

'Tell me what is it?'

'No my Lord! I will not expose that. But do not lose hope. You have to burn the power of hope. Leave the other things to me. Have faith in me. I believe, if you do not lose hope, then we can avoid the devastation to come.'

'I believe you. Though you have not exposed anything, but from your expression it must be something very bad. I just hope we can overcome it.'

'We will King Esperon. Your hope is the greatest weapon for us.'

The old magi with other magies, prevented the darkness which was supposed to fall open them. The King knew nothing about it. Not even the other magies.

The Queen gave birth to a healthy child. All were happy and hopeful for the future. The Prosperia was developing for several centuries.

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