From Struggle to Strength: My Journey to Fitness and Weight Loss Progress

A few weeks ago I shared my desire to lose weight and stay fit, having a good body shape, and took a step in that regard by subscribing for a membership at a gym in my neighborhood to bring those aspirations to reality. I did share a video on my beginning phrase and how difficult it's for me to just begin this exercise, but now I'm pleased to tell you that there have been some positive changes, and I'll show and tell you all about it in this article.

When I began my weigh lose journey weeks ago, I can remember how I break down after indulging in just few minutes of exercise, it's funny because when I see some of the workouts routine I'm placed on, I just smile within me that it's gonna be easy because it did look easy, but after getting into the routine within 5 to 10 minutes, I'm already panting heavily and looking like I'll faint in the newt minute.

But that's no more the case, in fact most times now, when I resumed to the gym and Indulge in different forms of exercise, I still find myself filled with strength and ready to go again or just go home without the fear of breaking down on the way like I experienced in my first week, so with that being said, let take a delve into some of the recent workout routine I indulge in on my weigh loss journey.


So recently a lady alos joined the gym and wanted almost same thing I wanted which is to lose weigh including belly fat, and the gym instructor decided to take us through some routine together, although some differs based on the gym and difference in the preferences of our desired shapes, but these are ones that are similar.

We went from pecking or so, I really don't know the names of gym exercise routine, but the instructor called it something like that, and according to him, these helps build ones resilience, and as well burn some fat, having someone train alongside me was a motivation for me, as now I don't want to be on the losing side, because I sees it as an healthy competition, that pushes both of us to our limits and eventually achieving the desires body shape.


Also being that she's a lady, I tried as much to do more than the numbers of activities she does, so people like my friend Nkem won't laugh me after seeing this video, I know she still will regardless of if I do more than the lady in question or not, and it's not like I'm belittling the capacity of a lady, just just using it as a motivation for me to push myself to achieving more and doing beyond what's my limit.

Overall I'm pleased with the progress, although I want more, and I'm been advised to also indulge in dieting to hasten the progress, which is something that's somewhat difficult, but I'm giving it a shot and hope with time I'll get there, as it's my desire, I guess I've no choice but to give it all it takes, sacrificing whatever needs to be sacrificed.

All photos are mine.

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