Unreal video series with AI and the HIVE blockchain. - Part 3

This is a sequel to my other story: The Fortune of François Martin, or How to Become a Crypto-Billionaire.
It is told by François Martin himself.
See Part 1 and Part 2.

In September 2024, I went to HiveFest in Split, Croatia. There, I spoke to various people that I had never met.
I presented my daughter Joséphine's project to @khaleelkazi, who told me that one part of the infrastructure would soon be built by InLeo: Creator Subscriptions. From what I understand, you will be able to make posts that only your subscribers can read. Thus Marjos will be able to have subscribers who will be able to watch all their videos, with a reasonable monthly fee of US$5.

I also talked to @starkerz, who is involved with 3Speak and the SPK Network. My interest was in encrypted videos. @starkerz told me that it was already possible to have encrypted video on the SPK Network.

When we returned from Europe, I explained all this to Joséphine and she was happy that part of the infrastructure was being built.

During the summer of 2024, Joséphine instructed one of his videogame developers to build a 5 episode series from a play by the XVIIth century French playwright Pierre Corneille. She chose Horace, which was not one the most successful play by Corneille because she wanted to keep the success when they could be paid.

Because it was a French play in verses, they needed to translate the words into English and Spanish. Joséphine found a French company called Verse-AI, that was doing exactly what she needed.

Image generated by Ideogram

The app from Verse-AI (pronounced "Versailles" translates verses into other European languages, keeping the rhymes and the same number of syllables in each verse.

They used the Verse-AI app on the Horace play to translate the verses into English and Spanish.

As the play is in five acts and its duration is two hours, they released it in five episodes of around 24 minutes, each episode being one of the five acts.

They made sis versions: French, English, and Spanish, with and without open captions, and posted them on the Hive blockchain using 3Speak, during the first half of September.

Although they were rather proud of their work, they were surprised by the success of these posts. However, continuing to produce these video series was not sustainable. Furthermore, they did not want to have many different versions. They wanted to have only one version, where the user can choose the spoken language and the language of the closed captions.

And, of course, they wanted to have some revenue. So, they waited for the release of Creator Subscriptions from Inleo.

Continue to Part 4

-- Vincent Celier

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