Unreal video series with AI and the HIVE blockchain. - Part 1

The story below is a sequel of my other story: The Fortune of François Martin, or How to Become a Crypto-Billionaire.

This new story is currently fiction, but I think somebody could do the same things successfully.

The life of François Martin has many similarities with my own life:

  • He is a French citizen, born in France. His first name François means French in the French language (at least it was true 200 years ago). And Martin is probably the most common surname in France.
  • He bought Bitcoin in 2010, like I did. However, he was a thousand times more successful than me.
  • He married a Hungarian woman. The first name of his wife Borbala, nicknamed Borcsi, is the same as one of my wife's nieces.
  • With his wife, he emigrated to British Columbia, Canada. I emigrated to BC in 1994, and I met my wife in BC, as she had emigrated to Canada in 1992.
  • He bought STEEM, Antshares (NEO) in 2016, as I did.
  • He adopted Haitian children. Clovis, the agronomist, represents my daughter Roseline who very much likes gardening. Charles, the strata manager, represents my daughter Betty who is also a strata manager.
  • He worked for Ada Core Technologies as I did for 20 years as a software engineer in the programming language Ada.

However, many things happened in the life of François Martin that I wished could have happened to me.

François and Borcsi's daughter Joséphine is a pure product of my imagination. I never met anybody who created a gaming studio or even worked in one.

Now let's start the story as told by François Martin:

How my daughter Joséphine successfully made video series using a game engine, AI, and the HIVE blockchain.

Today, in February 2027, the price of Bitcoin is around US$150,000.

Hello, my name is François Martin. I am going to tell you what my daughter Joséphine did in the last three years.

Joséphine Martin, my daughter, has been developing videogames since 2009, initially as an employee of Electronics Arts. Then, in 2017, she left EA to start her own videogame studio "Marjos Entertainment Inc." with her partner Jessica. (Marjos = Martin Joséphine).

Marjos developed several reasonably successful games using the engine Unreal created by Epic Games. Over the years Marjos grew up to 45 engineers.

At the beginning of 2024, Joséphine realized that it should be possible to create realistic videos using the game engine and some artificial intelligence.

To test her idea, she asked one of her employees to write a simple story that could be made in 4 episodes of 15 minutes. The action would take place in a single room, with three characters around a table, mostly talking.
When the story was in a reasonable state, she worked with Jessica to create the environment and the three characters, one man and two women.

Then Jessica and 3 other experimented engineers worked on each of the 4 episodes, using only the Unreal game engine. As it was not their main job, it took them a month and a half to finish the episodes.
Then, they worked together to polish the videos so that it would seem that they were directed by a single guy.

Although Unreal is a very good game engine, it was still obvious that the videos were not shot with a camera. That is when Artificial Intelligence tools needed to be used to have more realistic videos.

Continue to Part 2.

-- Vincent Celier

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