The Ordinary

The clacking of wooden practice swords rang out in the courtyard. The gritting of teeth and bunching of shoulders showed the underlying tension that ran among the acolytes. The Mother was drilling them harder than usual. It was going to be a tough week ahead. A week when they finally got to be true warriors. Nikka glared at her target like it was real and hit it hard on the head.

“Practice the formation again.” The Mother yelled. The acolytes groaned in response. They had been practicing from before the sun painted the sky and now, it was shining high up, causing itchiness and so much sweat.

“Warriors do not complain. They do not groan, no. They push harder, practice harder and they become better fighters. Do you want to be better fighters?” The Mother’s clear voice was heard.

“Yes, Mother.” The acolytes chorused in unison, hitting their targets of hay with renewed vigor.

“I said do you want to be better fighters?”

“Yes, Mother.” They chorused louder.

“Good. Let's go for a break then. We gather in the next twenty minutes for the selection of acolytes who would be going on the mission.” The Mother said and the acolytes sighed in relief and dropped their practice swords.They wanted to be better fighters but warriors took a break from time to time. Nikka wanted to keep practicing the formation, all in hopes that The Mother would pick her for the mission. Everyone had always assumed her weak because she didn't have the magic they had. Yes, she didn't have the magic of strength or seduction. She couldn't flow with the forces of nature like earth or water. She couldn't shapeshift or move things with her mind. She was as ordinary as ordinary could get and she hated herself for it. She was the only Ordinary in The Mount where all the acolytes trained and studied and she got taunted for it most of the time. So, she had decided to put her all into her training with weapons. She was going to be stronger than most and have good weaponluck. She wasn't going to be put down just because she didn't have magic.

“Gather round. It's time.” The acolytes scurried over to where The Mother stood. Nikka dropped her sword and went over slowly.

“As we all know, the heart of The Mount was breached last week. It was The Potentials who breached our walls and stole our Orb. And we cannot stand for that. We must storm their castle and bring it back to The Mount. You have already felt the tremors within the earth. The Mount is dying and without the Orb, everything would be gone. We need to bring it back. Today, I would be selecting twenty acolytes who will be going with me and some of the other masters on this mission. The rest of you are to stay behind and protect the Mount. Now, if you hear your name, step aside.”

The feeling of anticipation and tension ripped through the air. Most acolytes dreamed of going on their first mission and it was a honor to be going on one so important and with The Mother at that.

“Nii Forest.” The Mother called the first name. A dark skinned slender girl stepped out. She was renowned for her excellent magic in flowing with the earth and persuading it to do her bidding. “Maki Brute.” The giant of The Mount stepped out. He was all ripped muscles and towering height and he was known for his brutal strength. The Mother kept calling names of acolytes with different magics. Nikka who had been hoping upon hope that maybe she would get to be on the mission had her hopes dashed to the floor when the last name was called and it wasn't hers.

“For those of you who weren't chosen, it doesn't make you any less of a warrior. You are still left with the responsibility of protecting the Mount from invaders and intruders. Now, disperse and start making preparations. Nikka, follow me.”

Nikka perked up when she heard her name. The Mother passed her by and she trailed along after. They passed through the archway and in between earthy tunnels. Nikka knew where the Mother was taking her. She was taking her to the heart of The Mount where the Orb had once been. When they got there, The Mother placed her hands on the great oak door and light spiralled from it. Then, it swung open and The Mother led the way into the chamber behind.

The Mother stood beside a raised platform where the Orb had once been placed. “Nikka, you might be wondering why I asked you to follow me.” Nikka only nodded in response. She was always in awe of The Mother, the most powerful warrior she had ever seen.

“I know you must have been disappointed when you didn’t hear your name but that's because you are of utmost importance to this mission. You are an Ordinary, a strong Ordinary. Your will alone is stronger than any of the magics and that's why I need you on this mission.”

“Me??” Nikka blinked in surprise. Though she had hoped to go on the mission, she didn't know she would be needed on it.

“Yes, you. We need stealth before any other thing on this mission. The Icicle always alerts The Potentials if anyone with magic is intruding. But the Icicle has a loophole. It isn't alarmed by those who do not have magic because The Potentials do not have magic also. And that's where you come in. The Potentials think everyone who stays in The Mount has one magic or the other. That's why they feel no fear of us breaching the Icicle. We have always kept your existence a secret because we knew we would need your Ordinariness some day. You being ordinary is a subtle kind of magic on it's own. So, we need you to sneak into the Icicle and break the alarm systems. That way, we can get in without The Potentials being alerted.” The Mother ended.

Nikka was dumbfounded. So, in her own way, she was special. Her existence had even been a secret. She was surprised that The Mount, The Mother and even the other acolytes could need her. Her body took a determined stance and she lifted her chin higher. She would not fail her people.

“I will do it, Mother. I will sneak into the castle.”

Nikka saw the wisp of a smile grace The Mother’s lips and it filled her with joy.

“Alright then, Nikka. You leave by dawn tomorrow.”

Nikka hid in the shadows. She watched two Potentials walk past her, their heads bent as they murmured. It hadn't been easy getting past the guards but she had managed to. If there was anything Nikka was good at, it was stealth and hiding in the shadows. True to the Mother’s words, The Icicle hadn't been alerted to her presence because she was ordinary. Nikka looked through the map. She needed to find her way to the center of the Icicle and shatter their alarm systems. She was already close to the center. She just had to…

Somebody grabbed Nikka tight by the arms and dragged her out from the shadows. She tried to twist her way out but the person's hold was too strong.

“Intruder.” The person said. The person was dressed in the attire of a young Potential, a long green robe with a cowl that covered his face in shadows, just like she was.

“Please. I'm not an intruder.” Nikka said.

“Yes, you are. Why else would you be hiding in the shadows??”

“I am not an intruder. I'm new to the Icicle. I just wanted to look around but since it's curfew, I didn't want to get caught. Please.” Nikka tried to explain. The person’s hold slackened a little and he turned her to face him. She came face to face with someone who was the same age as her or a little older. His shaggy blonde hair was slightly in view. He had hazel eyes that glinted in the darkness of his cowl. He looked at her with a searching gaze and Nikka met his eyes without flinching.

“Okay. I will be your guide. But next time, if you get caught moving about after curfew, it might not be good for you. Come on.” Nikka nodded in response and walked beside him with her head bowed a little. She was pondering through her options and wondering how she was going to give this guy the slip.

“I really wanted to see the center of the Icicle. I heard it's awesome.” She said.

“You bet. It's a wonderful sight. Come on, I will show you.”

They passed other Potentials who were patrolling the tunnels. The guy waved at some of them and introduced Nikka as a new Potential. Soon, they got to a bridge. The bridge spanned the expanse of icy points below and it was a long drop to them. The guy led the way across and Nikka followed. They got to the other side and the guy placed his forehead against a high icy slab of wall. Soon, there was the creaking and shifting of ice and the wall moved. They entered the chamber beyond and Nikka’s mouth dropped open in surprise. It was every inch beautiful and breathtaking. The floor was drawn with beautiful diagrams of blue and ice. The ceiling was icy veins that pulsed with blue light. The walls glittered with crystals and at the center stood the Orb. The Orb!!! Nikka had no idea it would be there. All The Mother had said was that she should shatter the alarm systems. But for now, she had to disarm this guy.

“Wow.” She said.

“Yes, wow. I keep losing my breath anytime I come in here. “ The guy said as he took in the scenery with a smile on his face. Nikka took a look at him, then got closer to him. Her cowl dropped from her head. His eyes flicked to her and his smile turned to a frown.

“You are not a Potential.” He said in realization.

“Took you long enough to realize that, fool.” Then she was moving fast as a serpent. She struck him on the forehead and neck; his pulse points and he slipped into a deep sleep. That was a formation The Mother had taught them if they wanted to put their opponents to sleep. But it wouldn't last for long. She looked around and hurried to the center where the Orb was. She placed her hands on it and tugged it but it wouldn't give. She gathered all her will, strength and determination and gave a mighty tug and the Orb came tumbling into her hands. It was hot and cold at the same time but Nikka couldn't ponder on that. She decided not to shatter the alarm systems. It would only waste her time. She had to get to The Mother with the Orb. It meant they didn't have to fight.

The Orb was burning with a sudden hotness now and Nikka tried to hide it within her robes. She hurried out of the chamber and sped down the tunnels, luckily evading the guards on patrol. She went back to the spot where the guy had first found her and gripped the rope that led out of the tunnel. She kept one hand on the Orb and tugged on the rope twice, then she held it tightly. Soon, the rope was pulling her up and she was out of the tunnel. The Mother and the other masters and acolytes were waiting in a cave beyond. They were already dressed up in their war gear and were waiting for her.

She was dizzy now. The Orb was icy cold in her hands and it was freezing her inside out but she kept walking slowly towards them. Then she slumped a few feet away from them. The acolytes and other warriors gathered around her. The Mother bent towards her and Nikka brought out the Orb from beneath her robes. There were gasps of surprise and excitement from all of them.

“Leave now. Orb with me. There's no time. Potentials coming.” Nikka said. Her lips were already blue and her teeth chattered.

“We leave now. No more fighting. Nikka has saved the Orb and has saved us too. Let's go now.” The Mother ordered.

Nikka smiled when she heard that. Magic wasn't everything. She had saved the Orb without magic, just her strength, will and determination. She was a strong Ordinary, she thought to herself. Then she was slipping into a yawning darkness.

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