Leofinance: The Ownership Mindset

The existing system has most people trapped. They are slaves crying for freedom but never achieving it. We live in a system of indoctrination. Unless one is from one of those special families, we are all conditioned.

What are we trained for?

To be obedient stooges. That is the fate of most.

It is a reality that is tough for many to swallow yet that is exactly the case. This is something that starts at a young age, in the educational system. We are not taught to be free thinkers or aspirational leaders. Instead, we are prepared to get a job.

That is the mindset most have. It is true they yearn to be on the other side, but they cannot handle it. Freedom is something often discussed but, to be honest, most get crushed by it. Rather, they meekly go through life, always placing the blame on someone else.

Do we not see it on Hive. After all, isn't it always the whales fault? Do not see post after post about people droning on how they are mean and don't care about anyone but themselves.

People are such wonderful students. As long as they can point the finger at someone else, then can relish in their self-justified anger, while also doing nothing about their plight in life.

Leofinance is the opportunity at freedom and most are crapping all over it.



The Ownership Mindset

I once worked for a guy who ran a very successful sales organization. He was one of the best producers in the region. His numbers were consistent along with being at an elevated level.

Once we were talking about things and what made him successful. He summed it up this way: his job is to do whatever needed to be done. Read that again. He felt it was his job to do whatever needed to be done.

Whatever the task, he was the final line of defense. Nobody to drive the truck, he did it. If the bathrooms needed cleaning, he would do that. Paperwork had to be filled out, he took care of it. Naturally, there were people hired to handle those things for the most part, but guess what, people call in sick. They quit. They do all kinds of things.

The moral of this story is that he had the ownership mindset. He took responsibility for what was taking place. He didn't plead or beg. Simply put, he knew what had to be done and went about doing it.

How many have this attitude on Leofinance? Does we see people taking this to heart?

Still Operating Like A Slave

What is ironic is the events over the last couple weeks really drive this home.

Not long ago, we got news that there was a new model being implemented for the Ad Revenue. Does everyone remember that?

Essentially what happened is that everyone who has Leo Power suddenly had a financial interest in what is taking place in terms of the traffic on Leofinance. We are all sharing in the money coming in since it is going to be pushed to the LP holders.

Now we are all part owners in the ad revenue. We each have a piece of the pie. The success of Leofinance.io as well as the associated applications that have ads on them is ours.

Here is where the shift in thinking has to enter. Most still operate like it is the problem of someone else.

Remember, do whatever is needed to be done. Is this the mindset most have?

A few months back I wrote 10 Ways To Be Successful On Hive. Since Leofinance is a subsection of that, it is applicable.

One of the suggestions was to take ownership.

Here is what was written:

Owners have different mentalities. They understand that overall success enriches their wallet. We are no longer just users of a platform but, rather, those how have responsibility to the long-term path of the ecosystem.

People complain about being the product on sites such as Facebook, yet fail to fully grasp the transition on something like Leofinance.

We are not the products here. In fact, we are all partial owners. With one's stake (Leo Power) each has rights to a portion of the Ad Revenue. This is the same as getting paid from the proceeds out of a business.

In other words, we all are part owners in this website (and the assorted applications). Remember, LEO is the overriding token for all else.

What Are You Willing To Do To Make Leofinance Successful?

This is a question we all should be asking ourselves. Why?

Simply put, LEO can offer many on here life changing money. In just a few years, entire financial futures can be radically altered. Since there is an ownership model in place, anyone is free to join in.

Articles such as How can we increase ad revenue for leofinance.io. offer up suggestions at what each of us can do in this area. We already see a number of posts about how to write a SEO optimized article.

Following some of these show an ownership mindset.

Doing whatever it takes to make Leofinance successful is crucial. This is now in the hands of us. Not only are we a community that is here because we enjoy it but we also have a financial stake in what is taking place.

So what are you willing to do to make Leofinance successful?

Let us know in the comments below.

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