Write an SEO-optimized Article on Leofinance - 6 Basic Tips

You'll are writing articles on Leofinance frequently. But do you know just a little bit of SEO can bring lots of attention to the Leofinance website and your profile as well?

Seo-optimized article

I am not asking you to learn SEO or spend a lot of time on SEO. Just know some essential tips and tricks so that you can make your post SEO optimized while writing. Now the question is, why will you bother to make your post SEO optimized?

The answer is simple, which I already told in the first paragraph.

  • You can get visitors to your article from a Google search. I mean, you can attract people to your content.
  • You can help the site Leofinance to become more popular.

Well, it won't take more than 10 minutes of your time to make your article SEO optimized. I wrote a lot of SEO-related articles for Hive. Hive blog is getting enough attention nowadays. Hive's PA (Page Authority) and DA (Domain Authority) is now 44, which is quite good. And you can check the PA and DA of Leofinance in the screenshot.

Checked using Smallseotools

According to a new site, it's not bad, but it could have been better if we all put some effort.

Domain Authority shows (Range 0-100) the strength of any website and tells how well it will rank on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Today I would like to show you some tips that'll help you make your article more eye-catchy and make it valuable in terms of SEO.

Choose a Keyword for Your Article

Pick the main keyword for your article. The keyword can be one word or more than one word. Suppose you're writing an essay on earning money online. So "Earn money online" could be your main or meta keyword.

Today I am writing an article on helping people to write SEO-optimized articles. According to my topic, "SEO optimized" or "SEO Optimized Article" could be my main keyword.

So, what's the point behind choosing a keyword? Our target here is to rank our article on Google's first page. Right? We need the main keyword to make it happen. If our main keyword is "Earn money online," it could be shown in search results if people search by typing - "Earn money online."

Now let's see how to use the primary keyword in the article.

Use Main Keyword in The Title

Heading says it all! Just use your chosen keyword in the title of your article. If your keyword is "Earn money online," then your Heading could be - How to earn money online or earn money online in 2021.

The title is the first impression of your article. So don't forget to make it short and eye-catchy. 7-10 words for a title is sufficient.

![Title url()

On Leofinance, the post title will be in your URL. So make it simple to keep your post URL search engine friendly.

Keep Your Keyword in The First Paragraph

Keeping your main keyword in the first few lines of your article is the most important SEO factor. If your keyword is "Revolution in Blockchain," you must use this keyword in your first paragraph and first few lines.

It would then be best if you also used this keyword several times in your post's body. Just use where it makes sense. You may use the keyword 3-5 times on every 1000 words.

Use Subheadings

Using subheadings can make your post more SEO-friendly. Your post title is your main Heading or < H1 > (heading 1). You can use several headings according to your post type.

sub heading

Besides your title or Heading, your sub-headings are essential as well. Subheadings will help your reader find the sub-topic easily and make your article more comfortable reading.

There are six types of headings which are also called HTML heading tags. Ok, I am not making it hard for newbies. Maybe I will discuss Heading another time. Just keep in mind that the subheading can make your article more SEO-friendly.

Use Image on Your Article

The image attracts the readers the most! Don't just use text in the article, which may make it boring.

And Google search engine doesn't want to show a boring article on their first page. So use your captured or copyright-free images in the article.

Using image Alt tags is also vital to rank an article. I already wrote an article regarding this matter. I hope this article will help you to learn about Alt tags and how to use them.

Use Internal and External Links

Just use some relevant links (where needed) on your article to make it an SEO-optimized article. There are two types of links in an article - internal and external.

An internal link is a link to another page of your website. If I provide a link of my another Leofinance article here, that'll be an internal link.

internal link

Look how @taskmaster4450le used an internal link on his post. Clicking on this link will redirect you to another page but within the same website.

And the external link will redirect you to another website. Clicking on an external link will take you away from your current site.

external link

A perfect example of external links in the @leofinance's post. This link will take you out from the Leofinance website.

Using inbound and outbound links in the article is very good for SEO. Adding links will help Google to find and index your article faster. Add links only when it makes sense, do not provide unnecessary links.

Well, these are some basic and straightforward SEO tips from me. I don't think using these techniques will take more than 10 minutes. But by spending 10 minutes, you're not just helping the Leofinance community, but also yourself.

Let me know if you have any queries. If you want to talk about SEO, ping me on Discord.
My Discord: pitboy#4591

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