LeoAds | The Virtuous Growth Cycle for LeoFinance

LeoAds Black Hole Theory.png

ICYMI, we released a post a few days ago announcing the new LeoAds mechanic that we've developed. This Mechanic takes LeoFinance.io's earned ad revenue (earned in BTC) and deploys it into a contract that buys LEO on one of the listed exchanges - depending on the cheapest arbitrage at that time - (wLEO, bLEO, pLEO, Native LEO), and then deposits it into a monthly rewards pool.

The rewards pool autonomously distributes that LEO as LEO POWER to all LEO POWER hodlers. The more LEO POWER you have staked, the more LEO POWER you earn.

The current figures equate to about 4-10% APY for staking LEO POWER just based on current ad revenue (roughly in the neighborhood of $4,000 per month).

This is pretty incredible, especially when you consider that much of LeoTeam and LeoCommunity's focus has been on DeFi over the past 12 months since the launch of CUB. With all that being said, the launch of CUB supercharged our community and the subsequent launch of POLYCUB last month did much the same.

Our web traffic has never been more powerful and more targeted. We have extremely high quality web traffic which is why our ad revenue performs so well.

We get a decent quantity of traffic but our ad partners pay us top dollar because of the quality of our traffic. We have a lot of ways we can ramp up the "$4,000" figure. Right now, that is with little attention being paid to optimize ad placements, increase engagement on LeoFinance.io and negotiate better deals with ad partners. We're going to do all of the above ... and we've already started.

We'll release some posts in the sooniverse about our discussions to bring on more ad partners and optimize placements.

Today's post, however, will focus on something that the LeoFinance Community can do to increase our monthly traffic, engagement and ad revenue which will ultimately increase the staking APY on LEO POWER (4-10% at current figures, when you combine it with normal curation rewards, you get about 20-30% APY).

Engagement Stats

@abh12345 puts out an awesome engagement leaderboard each week. Khal (@khaleelkazi) has already announced that he is aiming for the #1 slot this week on the engagement leaderboard. Anyone who outperforms him with quality comments will get 100 LEO from him to you.

These are the top engagers last week along with the criteria used to rank them:


Monthly Active Users

As we mentioned in this post, the #1 KPI for LeoFinance as a Web3 Ecosystem is Monthly Active Users. Our entire focus as a project and community is growing the MAU figures.

The following are two charts. The first shows the MAUs that posted only from the UI and the second shows MAUs that commented only.

There are 600 unique authors that posted on LeoFinance.io in the month of March while 300 unique accounts commented (and didn't make any top-level posts) in the month of March.

Tally these up to 900 Monthly Active Users on LeoFinance.io and LeoMobile. We have a lot of room to grow on the upside. This is pretty incredible to see and dive into, but we can do so much better.

The fact that 900 MAUs are generating $4,000 in monthly ad revenue is just an indicator of what we can accomplish by growing our core KPI. Generating outside traffic through evergreen content is going to be a huge addition to LeoAds revenue as well. We'll talk more on that below.



Commenting on LeoFinance

Commenting is the base layer of engagement. We have a large number of authors and we're creating a lot of great content already. We want our authors to create more and better content but we also want to onboard a whole new generation of users to LeoFinance.

In our opinion, the next generation of users on LeoFinance will include a subset of authors but will primarily be people who engage with content by reading, upvoting and leaving comments all over the platform.


There were 3,200 comments last week. We'll see how these numbers look this week. I believe they'll be significantly higher with the recent engagement league activities and competitions.


These are the authors who commented the most. Jfang led it with 437 comments last week while TM did 231. Again, I think these will look quite a lot different in the weeks to come.

LeoAds: How Does Commenting Make a Difference?

We want to build our community bigger and onboard the next generation of LeoFinance users but we also want to bolster the engagement of the existing community.

The core community we have is diamond paw stronk. It's amazing to see what we can accomplish with a tight-knit but relatively small community. We're all highly active but we can do a lot more.

There are many lurkers in this community and also many people who could spur engagement with a snap of their fingers. Looking at people like @onealfa who have the influence to drive massive levels of commenting and posting.

As a community, we all have a role to play. You'll recognize many of the faces around here like @onealfa who continually do things to spur engagement like his recent initiative to create content about CUB and POLYCUB. More community-led initiatives like these will spur engagement within our existing community while the external marketing that we're doing will bring new faces in who will see that engagement and get excited to join in and earn crypto by engaging as well.

LeoFinance Traffic


You can track the traffic on LeoFinance.io here. This allows you to see the overall traffic to the site over different timeframes. Here you'll see the past 30 days.

We had 72,000 unique visitors and 247k page views. This is great but I think we all know: we can do better.

Writing more evergreen content can do wonders for these traffic stats in the long-term. @finguru has announced on twitter that he's going to start writing content about how to make your LeoFinance posts more SEO-friendly and evergreen. As you can see in this screenshot, he's got a post that's driving in more traffic than any of the content currently on LeoFinance.io.

There's a lot that can be done to optimize content on LeoFinance and drive more organic traffic. Doing this in addition to all the other marketing and engagement initiatives that we're taking on can supercharge the LeoAds program and kickstart a virtuous cycle.

In Short


  • Engage, Engage, Engage
  • Write Evergreen Content
  • Share LeoFinance Links on Social Media
  • Watch Engagement, Traffic and LeoAds Number Go up



LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: LeoFinance.io allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

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