EveryDay Journey With Life 🦶


Greetings friends and thoughtful family. How are you all doing in this new month? Hope to find you all in good health before we consider all other things as important because everyday should always be about gratitude, and especially every morning when we woke to a new sunrise 🌅.

How do you usually feel and see things everyday when looking forward to a great day but something happens in between, making all expectations comes crashing, or you where never expecting something grate to happen within the course of a new week and then, something so surprising manifested . These are the journey with life.

I think 💭 we should already have an understanding of how life works so that we do not over estimate and expect so much in life when we have not worked hard enough to lay foundations that will lead to big expectations. But at the same time, we should not limit ourselves from expectations that can come our way even when we have not worked hard for them because every day with life is like footsteps 🦶to a destination unknown. Although sometimes miracles are what happens to us through these footsteps.

I am beginning to believe that every one of us has the hand 🤚 print of God over our life and all that concerns us. Am also beginning to believe that our footsteps 🦶has been channeled to a destination and unless we are on that mapped out path or track choosing for us, we will continue to go round and round in life until we end up on that track mapped out for us. Some people being in theirs early in life, while others will take years to locate and align with this path. These are the journey with life.


I happen to meet this couple whose story shocked me and made my thoughts 💭 to be channeled back on what the hand 🤚 prints of God is all about. This couple has been married for 15 years without a child and until this last year, 2023 July, when the Lord came unto them and the woman 👩🏻 finally conceived . And do you know the greatest good news of all? She conceived with #Triplets who are three boys . And after nine months now she is a mother to triplets boys. Fifteen good years? She never doubted the husband and her husband never misbehaved. They were in one accord journeying every day with life.

I don’t want to go into the details of what the couple faced while waiting on the finger prints of the Lord or how the couple might have also been doubting if they will ever conceive and have children 👧, because in most cases it has to do with our relationship with our God. When we see God as the author ✍️ and finisher of our hope and faith, we create for ourselves a perception mode of total understanding of how every day journey with life works

Hope are the things we expect to happen, While faith is the conviction and belief that it will surely happen. These two things are linked to how we surrender our plights in life to God knowing that we can not do more than he has planned for us. And the things we have been able to do and feel we are super humans, he has also aligned in our way, making sure it does come to pass.

The above story apply to other areas of our short comings. Businesses that are struggling, marriages that are shaking, that job we have not been able to get, relationships that have not been able to lead to narrative, those who are fighting for their health and all other struggles with life. These journeys are so tough, rough and devastating but they are all not in our hands 🙌. This means that its only God who is the finisher of all things that can take control over our situation if we allow Him by submitting and waiting upon Him. Take the right decision at the right time to save yourself the trouble of making some life mistakes. These are everyday journey with #Life.

Thanks for reading and supporting friends ❤️❤️.

All images are mine.


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