My trip to Lake Synevyr with my friends, part 3

My trip to Lake Synevyr with my friends, part 3

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Hi again, friends! I continue to tell you about my journey to Synevyr Lake, located in the Ukrainian Carpathians. I apologize for such a long introduction (I told you about my trip here with my friends and how we settled in a rented house first, and yesterday I shared my impressions of the Carpathian landscapes, old wooden houses here and told you about Hutsul dance Arkan). However, today I will tell you in detail about Lake Synevyr and its surroundings.

It is not necessary to plan a trip to Lake Synevyr only, because the lake itself, although very beautiful, is not large, so if you have no other plans, then you will be bored. The girls and I looked around for an hour, but let's get everything in order.

First, a bit of geographical facts. The lake was formed in the post-glacial period (about 10,000 years ago) after the landslide as a result of an earthquake (on the southern side of the Red Mountain), which makes this lake a type of dam. Synevyr is located at an altitude of 989 meters above sea level, the average depth of the lake is 10-12 meters, the maximum is 24 meters. Due to the height of the location and the great depth, the waters of the lake, even in summer, warm up by only 1-2 upper meters. The lake is fed by streams flowing into it. In the center of the lake, like a pupil, a small island is located, hence the popular name of Lake Synevyr - the Sea Eye. The water mirror area of the lake is about 7 hectares. There are a large number of trout (lake, rainbow, brook ones) and crayfish in Lake Synevyr, but it is forbidden to catch them.

According to legend, the lake was formed from a stream of tears of the count's daughter, named Syn, at the place where her beloved, simple Hutsul shepherd Vyr, was killed with a stone block on the orders of the count so that his daughter could not be with the commoner. Their names form the name of the lake - Syn and Vyr, Synevyr. Based on this legend, 13-meter wooden monument “Syn and Vyr” are installed near the lake. In terms of height and weight, it is one of the largest wooden monuments in the world - 13 meters high and 30 tons in weight. Three pieces of mahogany wood were used to make the sculptural composition. This unique tree, which grows only in South America and Africa, reaches up to 100 meters in height and has a diameter of 20 meters. This monument was created by the famous Transcarpathian sculptor and artist Ivan Brovdi.

Wooden monument “Syn and Vyr”

Around the lake is actively developing tourist infrastructure. You can spend the night at a camp site located on the shore of Synevyr, savor bohratsch - a national Hungarian soup, in a restaurant-hut. There is also an opportunity to ride on a raft on a lake, to participate in a horse or bike excursion. Every year the All-Ukrainian festival "On Synevyr Trembits Call" is held here.

Lake Synevyr

Me and my friends on the shore of Lake Synevyr

The girls and I decided to restrict ourselves only to the views of the lake and did not swim on the raft, although we saw it from afar. The beauty of the forests around the lake was incredible, especially the very high Carpathian spruces, very similar to the American redwoods.

Huge Carpathian fir trees on the shore of Synevyr

You can swim on the raft as well

The water in the lake is very clean

Old wooden gazebo for relaxation by the lake

Here you can drink pure spring water

On the way to the lake (or when you return, you can buy dried mushrooms, dried fragrant Carpathian herbs, from which you can brew delicious tea, as well as eco-friendly Carpathian honey and jam in colorful jars.

Here you can buy fragrant herbs for tea

Carpathian honey in colored jars

My friend decided to be photographed on the seller's   place

You can have lunch here

You can rent this horse to ride it

We had fun near Synevyr, but tomorrow we want to visit another beautiful place near the house we rented - Shipit Falls.

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