5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Sunset


Ruben frantically tore through the chestnut-colored cabinets, leaving broken plates, glasses, and spilled food in his wake. He briefly felt a bit guilty about the mess the homeowners would find when they returned from their outing, but there was no time to spare on a more careful search. The fiery orange glow of sunset filtered through the kitchen windows and hastened his frenetic search. It would be night, soon, and if Ruben couldn't find the components he needed, then all hell would break loose.

At last, in a cabinet above the stove, he found a stoneware bowl that was suitable for the ritual. He quickly doused the bowl with a vial of purified water and murmured an incantation to rid the vessel of any impurities.

"Did you find one?" Eva asked, hurrying into the kitchen with a handful of tealights. "I've got the candles."

Ruben nodded toward the bowl as he spoke the last incantation. Eva dumped the candles next to it and began searching the drawers for a lighter.

"The spell said the bowl had to be 'of suitable shape.' Will that one work?" she said, pulling a small matchbook from a drawer.

"Round is a shape," he said gruffly. "It'll have to do."

He placed one pinch each of chamomile, basil, and pennyroyal into the bowl and began murmuring the spell. The bowl began to emit a dull, blue glow as it absorbed the power of the herbs. As the light of the sunset faded, Eva lit the candles and the kitchen was soon bathed in the soft glow of candlelight and the spell. It was now or never.

Eva gave him a kiss on his cheek, careful not to interrupt his incantation, and then sliced into her finger to add the fourth and final ingredient: blood from one of the wittewijven.

Note: This one was hard, but only because I set a challenge for myself. I wanted to fit all of the freewrite prompts from the week into this one story! I did go over my time limit a bit, but I'm really happy that I was able to create a single story using all 5 prompts. :-) I did the same yesterday, as well!

Big thanks go out to @mariannewest for providing these prompts! Today's can be found here.

Image sourced from Pixabay.

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