5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Round is a shape


Seth sat back and looked at his work. The lump of grey clay sitting on the potter's wheel could be considered abstract art at best and utter failure at worst. Despite nearly two weeks of practice, he still hadn't managed to created a smooth, symmetrical piece. At this rate, he wouldn't finish his wife's anniversary gift until next year. And surely, by then, she would realize that he wasn't just picking up a new hobby, that he was learning to make her a gift. He sighed and began wiping his hands on the towel near his knee.

"Ooh, what is it?" Vera beamed, setting a glass of lemonade onto the nearby workbench. She examined the worked clay with genuine interest.

He smiled despite his frustration. His wife had always been able to do that. Her smile was infectious and she radiated a positive energy that softened even his worst moments.

"A bowl," Seth answered.

She adjusted her glasses and walked around the wheel, looking at the creation from every angle. She pursed her lips slightly before finally looking back to him.

"Well, it's certainly interesting! I'm not quite sure how to describe its shape. Sort of..."

"It's round."

"Yes! Round is a shape. Yes." She nodded appraisingly. "A wonderful first attempt!"

"Fourth," he corrected, his mood dampening. "My fourth attempt."

She put an arm around his shoulders and gave him a kiss, still smiling her radiant smile.

"And I'm sure the next one will be magnificent!"

He squeezed her hand and smiled back at her, her words fueling his determination. No matter how long it took, he would make a magnificent gift for his beloved.

This prompt was provided by @mariannewest and can be found here.

Imaged sourced from Pixabay.

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