
I've always felt I'm not that pretty, i wasn't proud of my body, i didn't seem to mind not until I attained the age of puberty. My roommate on the other hand is quite the opposite, I fell in love with her body the second i saw her . She had the perfect body shape, perfect legs, perfect hair, perfect eyes and lips, anything you could ever want in a lady you could see in her. Anywhere she went, people couldn't help but turn their necks and stare till she's out of sight. I pretend not to notice but I seriously crave the attention she gets and love every bit of it. She's not a celebrity but has more followers than most celebrities out there.

"Hi, my name is Sadie and I'm your new roomie", she said as I opened the door for her.
"Hey, I'm Lizzy, welcome to our room", I replied smiling awkwardly trying not to make it obvious that I was gawking at her.
I watched her while she settled in, we became free with each other instantly and I could tell we were going to be good friends probably best friends. We did almost everything together because we have many things in common, the only thing we didn't do together is go out with the same person. Everything was going so well with us even though I get jealous sometimes and act up. She doesn't know I feel that way so anytime she tries to calm me down, talk to me or asks what went wrong I wouldn't be able to open up and tell her what the matter really was.

One early morning, Sadie came to me to talk about her boyfriend (Greg) which is not something unusual. I've always thought they were the perfect couple, very sure they were a match made from heaven. I sometimes felt jealous of them.
"Lizzy, wanna hear about the plans Greg has for me this evening??", she said grinning from ear to ear.
"Let's hear it", I said forcing a smile.
I don't know why but I wasn't ready to hear her talk about whatever they were going to be doing that evening.
"My darling Greg reserved a spot for us at the fanciest restaurant in town and after that we're going to watch the newly released movie which is only available for a selected few and he managed to get us in!!!!", Sadie said excitingly.
"Wow, that's so nice", I said trying so hard to hide the sarcasm in my voice.
"I'm going to the mall to get some clothes and accessories, would you come along??", she said.
"I don't think so, go without me", I told her. We're used to going out together but I wasn't feeling it today so she was shocked but didn't say anything else and left.

While Sadie was out, I tried to make myself happy and tried calling my boyfriend (George) but he wasn't picking up so I decided to watch funny reels online. Shortly afterwards, my phone rang and it was Sadie. I sighed and answered the call.
"Hey Lizzy, it's me Sadie", she said it like I didn't know it was her or I didn't save her number.
"I know, what's wrong??", I replied.
"I think I'm being followed", she finally said with a shaky voice after pausing for a minute or two.
"What do you mean you're being followed??", I asked her. I was starting to get confused.
She started telling me about how she had finished buying what she wanted from the mall and was on her way home when she decided to pass a shortcut. She had seen two guys talking to each other but suddenly stopped and started staring at her but she didn't count it as strange because she was used to people staring at her although they looked dangerous and now she thinks one of them might be following her or maybe both. It appears she was walking fast as she spoke. I heard the voice of a man suddenly in the background.
"Hey lady", he shouted.
I could hear the panic in Sadie's voice as she called my name.
"Lizzy, help me", she said at the verge of tears. She was running now.

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The man eventually caught up with Sadie and her phone fell as he grabbed her.
"Please leave me alone", she shouted. At this point, I had pressed 911 on my spare phone and was on the verge of calling when I heard the man talk back at her.
"I mean no harm lady, I'm only trying to return your purse", he said. Apparently, her purse had fallen when she passed them and she didn't notice.
"Also, I was thinking if I could have your number", he said producing an awkward laugh.
Sadie burst out crying, she couldn't answer the man for some time. She picked up her phone and before she could talk, I offered to go and pick her up but she said I shouldn't bother that she would be home soon before cutting the call.
I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard her knock at the door. I rushed to open the door for her and hugged her for a long time. I allowed her to settle down before she started narrating what happened after she ended the call. She didn't give the man her number obviously but she thanked him for returning her purse and they both apologized to each other. I didn't know when I started laughing after she finished talking and then she joined me in laughing.
I doubt she'll want to go ahead with Greg's plans that evening or even go out alone ever again.

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