The theory of the inclined plane...

“Do you know the theory of the inclined plane? No? I'll explain it to you. If you put a ball on an inclined plane, the ball begins to descend, and however imperceptible the inclination, it starts running and running faster and faster. Stopping it is impossible. But fortunately men are not balls: a gesture, a glance, any sentence is enough to stop the course of things."

-Aldo Baglio (Ask me if I'm happy)-

The theory of inclined planes... the balls always turn!.gif

Today I was sitting at the table and we had lunch with my wife (a nice plate of pasta and beans!) While she ate we watched Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo's film "Ask me if I'm happy" on the PC.

At one point, in the film, we talk about the theory of the inclined plane relating it to life, that part is really interesting because in addition to giving excellent food for thought it can also give a good lesson.

According to the inclined plane theory:

Any body placed above this plane will inevitably tend to descend due to the force of gravity, until it reaches the bottom. Furthermore, in accordance with common experience, the more the plane is inclined, the faster the body placed on it will descend.

In the scene of the film one of the protagonists, after a succession of events linked to each other, makes a big mess and therefore the comparison between the actor and the ball of the theory which, action after action, rolls; life obviously represents the inclined plane... at a certain point, the voice-over specifies that we, men, are not balls.

When things go wrong it is easy to fall into the whole inclined plane and carry out actions that take us lower and lower but, if it is possible for a ball to stop in those conditions, we can instead say enough, add a corrective, carry out an action that changes things... simply but sometimes, we let ourselves go to the flow of things and, certain events, seem inevitable; needless to say that fate is just an excuse not to admit our sloth.

In life, difficult situations in which we make mistakes happen and, from mistakes we learn, thanks to them we evolve; when the time comes, however, we must have the strength to put into practice what we have learned; if we manage to "straighten things out", not to make the same mistakes, to exploit experience to improve ourselves, we no longer roll like balls destined to reach the bottom.

However, the thing that made me think the most was the fact that such an interesting idea was born from a series of scenes from a comedy; knowledge, clues to growth, food for thought can be found everywhere; I believe that the important thing is to be receptive and open to growth and change, when this happens everything can become an opportunity for growth in my view.

Well now I'll stop here, it's coffee time and I'm taking a nice 5 minute break; every tot, taking breaks, has great importance for productivity...
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Hug you!

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Brave heart and kind tongue Will take you far to the Jungle...

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English is not my first language but I try, please forgive any errors.

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