A Dream Come True: Japan Feels at Little Kyoto I Sitio Lamacan, Babag Uno, Cebu City

Hello and howdy lovely people on Hive!🤗 I hope you're all doing fine on this beautiful day!

In my blog about two months ago, I mentioned a country that I'd never been to but wished to visit. I was talking about my unforgotten dream which was to experience Japan and explore its wonders such as its culture and heritage. Unfortunately, it was not realized because my application for a tourist visa to Japan was denied.

But today, I'm more than delighted to share with you that this dream has come true! I meant it really felt like I was in Japan in this captivating and stunning place I went to with my good friend last weekend.

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On my trip to the city, I intentionally targeted this place after I saw a friend's Facebook photos showing this Japanese culture-inspired paradise. You should say I was immediately drawn into this place because it was my denied dream in the first place. I, then, promised myself I would definitely come here!

And I just made my dream come true last weekend and this is what I'm going to feature in today's blog! My lovely visit to Sachiko's Little Kyoto!

Exploring Japan at Sachiko's Little Kyoto

It was about half past 11 in the morning that we reached this Japanese culture-inspired little place riding a habal-habal in the local dialect or motorbike for hire in English. As soon as we got off, I discovered it was indeed just a little place but I was especially charmed by the beautiful and colorful landscapes that brightly dominated the whole area.

Sachiko's Little Kyoto is located at Sitio Lamacan, Babag Uno, Cebu City with notable landmarks such the Mountain View Park and Temple of Leah. It takes about 40 minutes to get there from Cebu City.

How To Get There

1.Taxi/Mini-Van Tour Package- You may opt to take a taxi/mini-van tour package in going there much better if with family or friends so you can share the transportation cost. You can also enjoy sightseeing at other beautiful tourist spots in Busay, Lahug, Cebu City included in the package.

2. Commuting On Jeepney/Motorbike -Or if you prefer to take a little adventure and save a little bit, commuting on a jeepney and motorbike is not bad. Just take the 04D/04H/04I jeepney with the sign that says Lahug, Plaza Housing, and get off at the terminal. Jeepney fare costs about ₱19.00 or $0.35. At the terminal, you may take a habal-habal or motorbike which usually costs about ₱150.00 (per person) one way only. The driver will then drop you off to your target destination.

The Road

Since Sachiko's Little Kyoto is situated in a mountainous area, it will be a whole lot of adventure in going up there. The number of nerve-wracking blind curves and the narrow steep roads will surely make it a thrilling but exciting trip! Just enjoy the ride as drivers are more than familiar with the way!

The weather seems mocking us on this trip as it sometimes drizzles, then stops and Mister Sun shines once again as we take this road.

Experiencing Little Kyoto

The Main Entrance

Very conspicuous at the entrance gate are some reminders and warning signs that welcome guests and visitors.

The Entrance Rates and Other Services

Once you get past the gate, you will immediately see the signage that indicates the entrance fee of ₱100.00 or $1.80 for visitors 4 years old and above but offers it for free to children 3 years old and below.

Just beside this signage is an ad that tells Sachiko's Little Kyoto also accepts Pre-Nuptial Photo Sessions from 10:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Tuesdays - Fridays only. The package that disallows food and drinks but free use of electricity costs ₱2,500.00 or $45.03.

You can't take the wrong path when you enter the vicinity because the words ENTRANCE and EXIT make sure you follow the right walkway.

Of course, it's much better to read the Safety Rules before you get inside the premises posted just next to the Ticket Booth.

The Japanese Culture in Little Kyoto

The Temizuya

Taking the walkway to the left, The Temizuya will really catch your attention.

The Temizuya is a Japanese ritual before entering a Japanese shrine. You just need to scoop up water from this water storage using the ladle provided and rinse your hands and mouth. But of course, I didn't perform the ritual because there was a note that warned "The water is not drinkable."

The Freedom Wall

This board under a roof I thought was a freedom wall is standing just next to The Temizuya. It silently receives colorful sticky little notes or dedications that must have been written by guests (I'm not sure of this, though because I didn't try reading some notes). Or maybe they were just there for decorations! lol

Making our way further towards this short ENTRANCE and EXIT paths, I was quite amused by this pissing figure of a little boy that suddenly spurted out water while I was taking a picture of it. It was funny! lol

The Information Signs

The moment you step into this lovely place, you will surely gain a sense of direction as these information signs will tell you what you will expect to see and learn for yourself in this Japanese culture-inspired paradise.

The Tori Gate

Looking exactly like in some website photos, this iconic Tori Gate ushers guests towards the higher level.

Reading another sign just beside this perfectly designed red gate that seemed like an optical illusion , I knew that Tori is a traditional gate most commonly found at the entrance of or within a Shinto shrine, where it symbolically marks the transition from the mundane (or earthly world) towards the sacred (heavenly world).


Passing by the path taking the Tori Gate towards the right, my eyes were caught by this little garden with creatively designed golden fish couples that carefully tossed a golden pot of lovely plants. Looking towards the other end, this statue of a pup named Hachiko sits patiently waiting for his master as his story was told.

Reading his little background from the sign placed next to his statue, Hachiko was a Japanese Akita dog remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, Hidesaburo Ueno, for whom he continued to wait for over nine years following Ueno's death.

I couldn't help but get swept up by this inspiring tale of this sweet little pup.

Cafe Narra

If you get hungry climbing and touring around this delightfully attractive beauty, you can dine in at Cafe Narra which serves Japanese food with ingredients that originally came from Japan.

This little structure appears to be the place to take and receive orders only while dining shall be at the cafe or anywhere at the area convenient to guests. There are 3/4-seater tables just outside the Cashier's Place for dine-in guests.

In order to make most of our time in the place, we just continued our happy tour around the place going up and down to the different lovely spots while our order was prepared.

As I had observed, the orders were prepared respectively in these little Japanese structures situated above the cafe.

The Lovely View from the Top

Reaching the higher level, I was wowed by this lovely view from the top. The bright and colorful landscapes of Little Kyoto complimented the green and natural mountain scenery! Wowwwww!

These carefully cultured mayana plants in lovely different colors make this place a more scenic and picture-perfect attraction.

I couldn't remember exactly how many times I expressed my amazement at this stunning and breathtaking paradise!

More to Discover at Little Kyoto

The Pagoda

Situated at the upper right corner of the place just past the Kyoto Treats gate are The Pagoda and Geisha paintings standing proudly at the highest point of the staircase.

The Pagoda

According to the sign, Pagoda is a tiered tower with multiple eaves common to China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other parts of Asia. Most pagodas were built to have a religious function, most often Buddhist.


And who wouldn't recognize these very skillful and highly respected artisans and entertainers of Japan- the Geisha?

As the note said, Geisha also known as geiko or geigi are a class of female Japanese performance artists and entertainers trained in traditional Japanese performing art styles, such as dance, music, and singing, as well as being proficient conversationalists and hosts.

The Lying Buddha

At the upper level of the area, this giant golden Buddha looks very relaxed in this wonderful spot.

As the sign reads, the Lying Buddha depicts the Buddha in his last earthly moments, awaiting the journey to Nirvana after achieving Enlightenment.

The Sakura

Of course, you haven't been to Japan if you have not experienced walking in the aisle with this very colorful and enchanting beauty of the Sakura.


The sakura really seems alive as it ushers sightseers towards this pinkish aisle.

This is another space for customers to dine in not only for them to enjoy viewing the alluring scenery of the landscapes but also to take a moment to find comfort as it also provides a very clean and spotless toilet.

The Bar

Climbing up farther taking the staircase, you will see this perfect spot to appreciate and get more attracted to the whole place as this picturesque space hospitably offers.

The Buddha is sitting patiently at this spot waiting for tourists to take a photo opportunity.

Of course, we would not let this chance to pass without also taking a pose at this picturesque view of the green mountains from the bar.

The Lucky Cat

I didn't know about this Lucky Cat but was quite curious about this belief of the Japanese about this sweet little creature.

I learned from the sign standing at the side of this spot, the maneki-neko is a common Japanese figurine that is often believed to bring good luck to the owner. In modern times, they are usually made of ceramic or plastic. The figurine depicts a cat, traditionally a calico Japanese Bobtail, with a paw raised in a Japanese beckoning gesture.

The Daruma Doll

I didn't have any idea about this Daruma Doll so I purposely headed to the sign beside these doll figures.

According to the sign, a Daruma Doll is a hollow, round, Japanese traditional doll modeled after Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen tradition of Buddhism. Daruma dolls are seen as a symbol of perseverance and good luck, making them popular gift of encouragement.

The Anime

Japan is also a country popular for its anime creations. This is also highlighted in Sachiko's Little Kyoto.

Wished to take a much closer angle taking a photo opportunity at this amazing spot but the warning sign that said "Off Limits!Don't Touch!" reminded me not to.

The Souvenirs

In order to have your remembrance from this beautiful paradise, a Souvenir Shop is ready to accommodate you. There are a lot of affordable souvenirs to choose from- Japanese masks, umbrellas, mugs, anime figurines,key chains and more.

The Food

And to complete our Japan experience, trying their Japanese food is also part of the plan.

There were a lot of foods and drinks to choose from but we selected the Japanese teriyaki, gyoza and takuyaki. And I should say, we never had regrets ordering these sumptuous meals.

This breathtaking view of the landscape should motivate you to enjoy your meal more.

Whew! We thought we would only spend an hour or less in this fascinating Little Kyoto but we realized it was actually more than 2 hours before we left the place. The motorbike driver that we requested to keep waiting woke us up from this alluring scenery.

I'm glad you went with me on this wonderful tour. Thank you for reading this far. Arigatogozaimashita! Until then....

Lead image edited through Canva.
All pictures were taken by me using my realme 10 camera.

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