Trying to keep the balance 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan


Even though I'm actually in fairly good shape, fortunately, I've had a few health issues this year. Since January, all I've been doing is listening to my body and finding out what needs to be fixed this time. I don't really get to rest and these days too I am forced to try out a new doctor again.

It all started back in January when we had another visit from the coronavirus. Fortunately, the incident went without too many complications, although in the months that followed I had to deal with various respiratory infections, which I naturally associate with each other. It took me until the beginning of summer to finally leave this situation behind me, but that didn't mean that I bounced through life like a youngster again.

My old intestinal condition, which had never really gone away and was only kept in check by constant medication, made itself evident again. It seemed that this time it wanted to show me clearly that it was still there and should not be neglected.

How could I have forgotten, as I have been a regular at my favorite doctor for several years now. To be honest, I would like to change that doctor, but still continue to visit due to a lack of alternatives. I've been a bit lucky so far that we've somehow managed to keep this problem to a minimum. However I'm really worried about this, but perhaps my bowels will calm down after all.

To round the whole thing off, my right ear has been complaining for a week, and has been giving me recurring pain to indicate that it deserves a little attention as well. As the pain and the feeling of pressure in my ear persist, I have now gone to an ear specialist, who has diagnosed an outer ear infection.

Let's see if the antibiotic ear drops can solve this problem in time. At the moment it's a case of keeping my hands away from the ear, no matter how much it itches and hurts. It doesn't seem to be that bad yet and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the ear will be back to normal by the end of next week.

But to make sure I don't get bored, the next cold is already making itself felt. As I've had a sore throat for a few days, I had the doctor take a look at it. Since I was already there, I wanted to use the opportunity. The diagnosis was made quickly, but I feel and also hope that I can simply sit this problem out. Sometimes a little rest and distraction is enough, and usually when you have a cold you have no choice anyway.

I actually wanted to be back in top form by the end of September, as I have a lot of work-related appointments coming up. There's a lot to do soon and I'd like to be able to concentrate on that.

But let's wait and see. The year is far from over and I'm sure it still has a few surprises in store for me, some of which I would probably be happy to do without. But perhaps a positive attitude and a little optimism will help. Maybe I can use it to get around the next hurdles that stand in my way. Until at some point I might be able to get back into calm waters. It might still take a while, but I'm already trying to find and set the right course....


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