Bohol Trip Experience (Part 3) 🐅🦜🦋


What's up, hivers! I hope everyone is doing well. 🤍

In today's blog is the part 3 of our B O H O L adventure of ✨Day 2 of my Trip experience at Bohol✨ The last destination was at Bilar Man-made forest which you can read out HERE.

Today, join me as we will be meeting our animal friends. Allow me to bring you to..



Also known as the home of 25 to 100 different species of exotic animals. This park is located at BonBon Loboc, Bohol. The park is now one of a must visit tourist attraction in Bohol, not just because of these animals but 1 in particular, the "Tarsier" which is popular when you talk about Bohol. Even if you only see the Tarsier in photos, you can easily identify the place where to find one.

It was pretty exciting to me that on this trip, I had some close interactions and actual visits to places I had only seen in pictures or on the internet. So when I discovered that Tarsiers can also be found in this Park, I knew I was in for a treat. I still feel like I'm in my twenties. Every educational tour, from elementary school to college, and every local tour brings me a lot of excitement and a new adventure all the time. This is only one of them, and to my surprise, the excitement is still alive.

The tour began with a brief orientation and introduction to one of the tourist guides who would accompany us throughout the Park to tell us more about the animals, and then we began the tour.



Green Tree Phython



It was my first time seeing a Lion closely during his nap time and an Alligator Gar together with the rest of the fish species. I also had the chance to get a selfie through the help of our tour guide, a selfie of me and our Philippine's Eagle-Owl, I forgot the name they give him but yes, its an Eagle-owl in our country. He was friendly, so calm and has a fierce big eyes.



And here's the moment that I am waiting for. To finally meet Tarsier in person. It was very difficult to find one during the time of the tour because it was raining a little bit. The tour guide said that if it rains, they usually hide and just go out when its dry or very sunny to branches of trees. Good thing we found this little pal here.



I really thought Tarsiers are big but I almost didn't believe that they're just like a combination of my two fist. They only grow from 8.5 to 16 cm with a lifespan of 2 to 12 years. They're mostly found in southeast asian countries but now only few remains that can be found in Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and in Philippines.

Here we have Bintourong, also known as Bearcat.



The Philippine deer also known as Philippine Sambar or Philippine brown deer.


We also visited their butterfly sanctuary. They have preserved some dead butterflies inside a frame.



I tried this butterfly wings photo they had which is very clever.



I tried hard to capture and focus to this butterfly flew near to me but failed.


An obligatory groupie before we move to the bird sanctuary


Night Heron


Visayan Hornbill


Blue and Yellow Macaw


African Fish Eagle

Many bird species such as the crowned pigeons,peacocks, lories, wild ducks, can also be seen. The birds freely fly or perch on trees inside the structure. It was also great that visitors or guest can feed and interact some animals inside the Loboc Wildlife and Nature Park which is now the home of hundreds of animals and counting.

There are a lots of them, I was just not able to take photos of the others cause we have to go unto our next destination. However we were able to take a groupie with the Green Iguana and the little Alligator.



The tour was an amazing experience for me because I had never been to this large Zoo Park with so many animals to see, some of which were unfamiliar to me or that I had only seen on the internet. I wish we had stayed longer to try to feed the animals, but we still have a few destinations to visit, which will be covered in Part 4! See you there. 😄😁

Thank you so much for dropping by!


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