My Leo Number & Turning ONE in the Hive!

Hello, everyone in the den and in Hive!


Time is fast, I think. Barely 9 days left for April but we can still do much, yeah? There have been things that happened these recent that I wanna share, it's perhaps my way of introducing Leo Finance to new cubs like yours truly and to record my own journey too.

  • 25 days ago (27th March), I posted my First via the Leo Finance interface and I was stoked at the warm welcome it received. Thank you for that, Lions! This cub is turning a month old here soon, hehe!

  • And on that same week, I learned about PolyCUB, bought some and staked them into the xPolyCUB pool.

  • And a little less than 2 weeks ago, I made my LEO goal and set my mind to having 500 LEO staked at the end of this month. It was pretty ambitious as I only had 100 Leo Power at that time and I am not writing daily via the interface so it was a challenge to get that number but I was very determined. And guess what? I am now just a little less than a hundred LEO away from that goal and there's still 9 days before the month ends.


And let me share how it was done:

  • 30% of my HBD daily rewards are sent to my HBD Savings.
  • 70% are traded with $Hive [30% of it are then wrapped into swap.hive and used to buy LEO which I consequently stake. The remaining 40% stays as liquid $Hive which I use to power up everyday, some are accumulated and will be used on #HivePowerUpDay].

I started the above scheme 12-13 days ago and did it consistently on a daily basis. The bigger chunk of my rewards are used to grow my Hive stakes because we all know, it's basically our fuel here and I've set a certain number which I also want achieved. And this for me is long-term so I don't see myself taking out any of my rewards just yet. It's not an option and hope to never have to make that choice anytime soon.

There are a lot of things happening around this space and as much as I want to dive in to most of them, I learned [from around here] to NOT spread myself too thin, that is why I'm currently focused on the three. This may however be adjusted in the coming month because I also need to increase my PolyCUB and of course, the pHBD-USDC pool too. Those two will be next on the agenda.

Coincidentally, a great surprise came in yesterday from @hivebuzz that made me feel euphoric up until this time:


Yes, this cub just turned ONE (1) in the Hive, Yay!

I must say it's been quite an adventure. I didn't start well really, wasted more than half a year drifting and it was only when I seriously decided to do what I must and had my introduction post on the 8th of November which basically jumpstarted my Hive journey and never turned back since.

Albeit a bit late, I'm also glad to have come aboard Leo Finance. It may have been the best time for me to get learning so another goal was born, to NOT repeat the same mistakes I did when I came in the Hive a year ago. This den is another HOME for me and I hope more will get to see what this space offers too. The energy around is so infectious and one would be missing out when just lurking around.

So if you are reading this and still doubtful, toss that feeling away and come forward. This is an absolutely great space to share ideas, learn from others and grow inter-personally and perhaps our wallets too, hehe! But no kidding, if you are hesitant to write your own articles here, no worries, you can read other people's posts, interact or get engaged and you will be surprised of the things you can learn, not to mention the generous upvotes you can get from leaving some related comments. From there, your confidence may level up and before you know it, you'll be writing and sharing your own too. Well, that's kinda how I started here so I believe you can do it too.

And this is quite unrelated but you may want to check and claim your DUAT tokens from the Ragnarok airdrop. There's a 3-month claim window though so there's no rush but if you are forgetful [like me], better get to it while you still remember, lol!

Thank you and until then, let's keep goaling! And yeah, Happy Hive Birthday to me!❤

Photos are screen captured from my own dashboard via LeoMobile and Peakd. No copyright infringement intended. (210422/10:48PH)

Hive  Lower 2022.jpg

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