LeoMobile, LeoAds & LeoGoal for this New Cub

Howdy everyone! It's mid-day Friday for me, whew!

I think I am never going to stop exploring LeoFinance, I may pause but stopping will never be an option for me. I realized that as of late, when I really set my mind into something, I do all I can to put it through and that's what I'm going to apply to grow in this fast-paced space.


Two nights ago while I was on a wee adventure prior to snoozing off, I noticed that there is a LeoFinance mobile app. I don't know when it came out but I just saw it that late evening. And so without any hesitation, I clicked the link to download then called it a night when it finished installing on my phone. Yes, this cub needs enough sleep to grow, haha!

And I was thanking myself yesterday because whilst out and about on some impromptu errands, I was able to have an easy and convenient access to the LeoFinance space through the mobile app! And this was what it looked on my first access.


It's brilliant that we can sign in using other options (i.e. Facebook and Twitter) but I still used Hivesigner and within a few seconds, I was in. That was really smooth!

And did you know what I noticed first while inside?

Its bright orange theme which is yummy for me, lol! It is kinda cheerful. And because I always prefer the dark mode, I went on a little tour on the settings and I was glad that the option is available. Another awesomeness!

And there are 16 cool theme colors to choose from which is really amazing! After trying all the colors, I went back to the yummy one, haha! I am loving the LeoFinance theme so I'm keeping it for now.


And there's even a search function which is cool. I must say I became at ease within a short time of using it. And so I am impressed!

BUT... but... but...

There is one thing I noticed last night which I wonder if it will be worked on and I hope it would.

I drafted a post on the LeoFinance web version on my laptop's browser then saved it thinking I'd continue writing the post on the LeoMobile while on my bed. But when I went to my phone, my draft wasn't there! I was sure I saved it! So I went back to the web version to double check and it was there. "Weird," I thought and curious, I drafted a short post on the mobile app to check if it appears on the web version. Unfortunately, it didn't either.

I was just wondering if the @leofinance dev team is aware about this. I usually draft my posts on pc and continue with them on mobile when I am on the go, but it seems that is not possible yet between the web version and the mobile app. Although I can do that on my phone's web browser but it would be awesome when it can also be done on the app itself.

Anyway, I noticed that there are some other features that they are still working on so I hope they will look into it as well :)

And this is the wallet outlook, yummy, right? lol! You may wanna try it out too and let us know what you think.



I am sure you guys have read about the new update from the LF team, but if you didn't, check it HERE. That explains the ads seen in the Leo Finance space. And I am glad that the revenues generated from these ads are going to be shared amongst the Leo Power holders.

I love it and although this incentive seems to initially target the lions with massive Leo Power (believe me they deserve it for building their accounts and supporting the LeoFinance ecosystem), I have faith that small cubs like me will also benefit from this revenue share in the long run and this is one of the reasons why I revised my Leo Power goal (below).

My Leo Power Goal

After looking at the number that I initially wrote on my notebook (500 by the end of the year), I realized it is very conservative and since Leo Power works like the Hive Power, I set a new goal to stack up and grow it ASAP. That means I'm going to need to work double time to have at least 500 by the end of this month. Pretty ambitious as I currently only have 100 Leo Power at the time of this writing but it is this cub's goal. She has a lot of work to do but this is the number she would like to see checked off by 30th April and I hope you guys will be kind to her, yeah? LOL!

Kidding aside, I am really pumped up with the developments in this space so I won't just sit idle and let time and opportunity pass me by. Would you? I guess not, so let's go on with this journey and enjoy stacking up, shall we?

Thank you lots, all the best and cheers to a beautiful day!

Photos above were screen captured from the LeoMobile App. 080422/12:00PH

Hive  Lower 2022.jpg

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