Week through Adrian's Lenses (2-8 October 2023)

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This is the #39 (uninterrupted) issue of "Week through Adrian's Lenses" weekly roundup.

Let's see what we have for this week.

Week on Hive

24 of 66 tracked posts made it to this week's issue of the "Week on Hive" roundup.

Memories from Hivefest 2023

One of the most complete posts I've read about Hivefest - the Rosarito edition - was written by @ura-soul. It includes the author's personal impressions and reflections, as well as photos that are unlikely to have seen before. Let's not forget the impressions shared by participants after watching the Freechain film premiere, without talking about details from the film.

Since we were talking about Freechain, let's see what its executive producer thinks of this edition of Hivefest.

In one of his very rare posts, @starkerz shares how he experienced Hivefest as one of the main organizers, always busy with something and against the clock. He also didn't forget to mention volunteers and sponsors who made Hivefest in Rosarito possible and successful.

And finally, let's share the experiences of two first-timers at Hivefest:

Let's also buy a coffee at HiveFest using HBD with @gr33nm4ster and @manuphotos .

The CTT guys also talked about Hivefest in their latest CTT episode, among other things.

Hive Town Halls Are Back? Monthly Spaces Meetings

Time to revive town halls for Hive? I think so. This is an initiative to do that and maybe more. Town halls would be a place where witnesses, stakeholders, community leaders and members can come together to "bring advancement, provide guidance, inform the community, debate scenarios, argue about the blockchain, and more". It starts with an account, a witness (is it set up yet?) and discussions (apparently on X Spaces).

SPS DAO to Decide Whether to Hire Splinterlands to Create and Sell Rebellion

In an already pre-announced proposal, the SPS DAO will have a rather simple vote, in my opinion, unlike many others. Choices:

  • give Splinterlands - the company - 250,000 USD worth of stablecoins and share 50% of the sales proceeds from the Rebellion core set (likely much higher than 250k on the duration of Rebellion being sold by Splinterlands, even if sales would be low)
  • don't give Splinterlands 250k USD in stablecoins and the company takes 100% of the proceeds from the Rebellion sales, as before.

The pre-proposal will soon become a full proposal to be voted on the Splinterlands website.

It was also discussed in the Splinterlands town square from this week, together with other topics,

Leo DHF Report for September Is Encouraging

The team spend 11x less than expected for each user for now, while not all marketing options have been started, and still onboarded more users than planned for September. Of roughly 1300 accounts created by Leo , 603 were active in September, which is higher than the target of 450.

Hive Multisig SDK Documentation

The Keychain team created the tool for easier managing multisig on Hive (I included that news in my roundup from two weeks ago). After feedback, they now released the first version of the SDK documentation, to make everything easier to read by developers trying to implement multisig in their Hive dapps.

What Are the Plans with Clive?

Why would anyone want to use Clive? Who is it for? Is it for you? Maybe you can find answers to these questions in this post.

HiveStream Update

I'll admit, I didn't know HiveStream existed. Maybe the fact I'm not a streamer contributes to my ignorance in this area. But the fact it integrates Hive and Hive-Engine tokens (to donate) with various widely used streaming services seems like something very nice. Check that out!

DHF Proposal for Global Hive Instrastructure

@deathwing comes forward with a renewed DHF proposal for global Hive infrastructure, As far as I know, his nodes are some of the most reliable and used throughout the entire ecosystem. The proposal seems to be similar to the previous one, to which he adds support for image server(s). It would be useful to have more than one reliable image server (Blocktrades).

Life of Hive

HiveBeeCon: Coming, Here, Gone!

I'm not sure how this felt for the participants, but for me from the outside, it seemed like the event was gone in a blink of an eye. Of course, we will probably have some posts about it next week. After all, it seems 43 Hivers were present to HiveBeeCon. Anyone you recognize in the group picture? Hey @ph1102, where are you, because I know you went?

So far I could find the post with the arrival in Krakow of @mipiano, who, from what I read in other related posts would be so kind to play something for the HiveBeeCon audience at the piano located at the place where the conference/discussions take place.

Hive Will Be a Permanent Subject in Certain Venezuelan High Schools

Hive Goes to School project branched into a new direction. @danielvehe just started to teach a one-year course called HIVEED Entrepreneurship Classroom in a high school. Among the topics taught in the course, there are "emotional intelligence, financial, personal branding, public speaking, web3". Students will all have Hive accounts and apply what will learn in our ecosystem.

Hive Coffee Bar at Tech Expo Conference in Amsterdam

Seems like the idea of a Hive Coffee Bar at the Amsterdam conference was very well received, from the description of @mcsamm who participated at the event.

Dutch Hive Meetup Recording

Since we were in Amsterdam for the conference, let's drop by to a Dutch Hive Meetup that was held in the country (in Zeeland). We have a full-of-details post from a participant, including the recording of the livestream, which shows this meetup was well organized.

Hive Boreholes in Local Ghanaian Media

The Hive Boreholes project attracts more and more attention in Ghana. Here are two posts talking about them:

Same Conference or Not?

Maybe I started to see double, but I can't figure out if @ecoinstant and @fermionico were both at LATAM Blockchain Summit or not. Maybe they or you can help us, lol:

Week in the Crypto World

SEC Slapped on the Wrist Again

I don't bother reading through the legal mumbo jumbo, to understand how big of a set back this is for the SEC in its lawsuit with Ripple. What I resume to remark is another slap on their wrist. Did they win anything lately?

Friend.Tech and Stars Arena Hacked

I don't want anyone else's harm, but when you see news like this you can't help but wonder what a marvelous combination between technology and community Hive is. SocialFi is not easy, as we see evidence all the time.

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