Week through Adrian's Lenses (20-26 November 2023)

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This is the #46th issue of the "Week through Adrian's Lenses" weekly Hive and crypto news roundup.

Let's see what we have for this week.

Week on Hive

x of 41 tracked posts made it to this week's issue of the "Week on Hive" roundup.

Rebellion Sneak Peeks and Land 1.5 Hopefully Comes Out Next Week

Splinterlands published a series of sneak peeks into the Rebellion edition, before its official release on December 5th. Here they are, so far:

Rebellion was also primarily discussed during this week's town hall, even though the first to come out should be Land 1.5, on Tuesday. But maybe we shouldn't say anything more until we actually see it out there!

Discussing HBD's Future

There have been quite a few discussions regarding HBD recently. The bad thing is that we seem to get inflamed when someone with a following from the outside says he never heard of it (or something like that), and that prompts a number of discussions on the topic, which after a while die off, with nothing concrete happening thereafter, as far as I am aware.

This is an interesting proposal, in my opinion, if for no other reason, because it is different than everything else that has been talked about so far.

Yes, we need liquidity for HBD, and incentivizing liquidity instead of paying a flat APR is a solution. The issue I saw was in the complexity for the average user. If there was a solution to make this simple and easy to understand for the end users, why not take it under consideration?

It doesn't mean this should be the solution to implement, but it puts more options on the table to choose from.

HIVE CrossDEX Proposal

The closure of Bittrex, potential future issues of Binance (less likely), clearly show building decentralized alternatives from and to Hive is no longer something we should toy with, like a good-to-have option in the future. Currently, Hive doesn't have any high-volume global "bridge" outside Binance. And Binance isn't allowed in North America, so it's not so global either.

TeraBlock Technologies, the company Splinterlands works with to move crypto cross-chain, made an initial post proposing to create a CrossDEX for Hive, in 6 phases.

The strongest opposition came for the fact this would use proprietary software (at least at first), via the Swidge Protocol they created and have used to bridge across chains. And why would the DHF pay if the software isn't open source?

It is important to note they showed flexibility and restructured their initial proposal to include 6 milestones with payments after each one is completed, and not before.

Regardless of this proposal, the Hive bridging issue remains and is pressing.

Speaking of DHF Proposals...

@mahdiyari briefly mentioned the proposals he doesn't support. Big names in there. As we find out from the comments, in some cases, it is a matter of "how much" not a matter of the importance of the project for Hive.

Being an important witness and developer for Hive, and an approach when talking about DHF proposals we rarely see (a sort of a downvote, which doesn't exist for DHF proposals), I thought it was relevant to share.

Curious What Are Hive Whales Up To?

@tobetada put this together this week.

'hiveblockchain' on X = Our Hive, finally!

@eddiespino discovered that the hiveblockchain handle on X became available after the company with the same name rebranded. So, he claimed it for Hive. Much better than hiveblocks, although probably this one will continue to be used too.

Holozing Updates Keep Coming

The first Holozing stats and financial report from the official account and the second after the one from acidyo's account continue to show a very transparent approach from Holozing, an aspect (transparency) also discussed by Acid this week.

The other two game elements Acid expanded on this week were Healers and $ZING.

Exode: Black Friday Discounts

Looks like until tomorrow (Monday), Exode will offer discounts to a new pack and also to beta contracts.

They also introduced a new Talent system. Everything in their latest update.

How to Change Hive Engine Nodes?

With recent Hive-Engine issues, this tutorial on how to change HE nodes on TribalDex may come in handy.

Peak Open Adds Notifications to Sting Chat

Any respectable chat has notifications. Now Sting Chat has them too, as Peak Open announced.

Creating a Hive Account for the Spanish Speakers a Little Easier

A new interface for Spanish speakers has been created to facilitate their onboarding.

Do You Want SPI Tokens?

@silverstackeruk might sell some at market price.

Life of Hive

A Direct Result of Hive Participation in Conferences

Mirella joined after being impressed by her interaction with @mcsamm, @coldbeetrootsoup, and @rubencress at Blockchain Expo in Amsterdam. She is not a regular publisher of life-related adventures but rather has extensive expertise and is looking to Hive as a way to set up a community for a DAO for the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna.

Check out her introductory post.

Hive Health Outreach in Ghana

Not having access to basic health care is a problem. What Hive can do in Ghana with the Health Outreach program is a drop in a bucket, but at least it is something. Others have all the funds in the world, and instead of doing any good, they think about how to kill us more efficiently.

Recap of the Last Rally of the Year for our Hive Car

@lordbutterfly published this extensive recap of the Central European WRC. Includes an interview with the Hive car pilot and copilot at the end of the season.

Second Restaurant to Accept HBD in Cuba

@manuphotos of Hive Cuba presented their second business onboarding success, accepting HBD.

Philippines exchange w/peak users of 7 mil. is joining Hive?

That's what a @dbuzz short message said, but I didn't find any reference about this in the linked blog or the future buzzes... However, members of the team are participating in some conferences (currently, YGG Web3 Games Summit, to start pitching their game Retzark) with lots of participants and meeting people... Let's see where this leads to.

Hive Went to the World Token Summit in Dubai

As far as I know, Dubai is a great crypto hub. Potential investors, maybe developers to find there. Or other projects to make friends with.

Here's a presentation of what happened from our point of view.

"Meet" the Hive-Branded Speedbike and its Driver

A few weekly roundups ago, we talked about Value Plan also sponsoring a speedbike in LatAm. Unlike the rally car, it wasn't so much in the spotlight, so here it is.

We don't actually see the bike, but we see its image of the Hive-branded van it is transported with. And the driver, who made a selfie with the author of the post who shared this with us.

Week in the Crypto World

Binance 4.3bn Settlement + Fine, CZ Guilty Plea + Stepping Down as CEO

That's in short the news of the week everyone knows about by now.

Normally, this should be a positive outcome for Binance, and the market reacted in consequence, after the initial FUD. But time will tell if everything will be well.

Bittrex Closes Doors

Bittrex isn't what it used to be, but the announcement of its closure may have been surprising. Although it comes only months after Bittrex US entered bankruptcy, so maybe it isn't as surprising. It was kind of more relevant for us on Hive due to the HIVE and HBD pairs we had there.

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