DHF proposals that I don't support

Proposals that I don't support:

$52,925/year Hivewatchers
$255,500/year Peakd open projects
$49,275/year Hivesql
$83,950/year Actifit
$144,936/6 months DBuzz
$219,000/year Keychain
$127,750/year Honeycomb
$204,400/2 years Hivebuzz
$241,065/1.5 years Leofinance
$121,110/year dev proposal by howo

$1.5 million in total

And there is a new proposal coming up, $365,085/6 months called CrossDEX

More than 1.86 million US dollars in total.

The proposals listed above are mostly paid out and they will pay out fully from the looks of it.
I do not agree with this kind of spending.

DHF has been paying out roughly $2 million a year if not more.

For comparison, Justin Sun paid $4.5 million for Steemit inc. and all their property.

I'm just stating the facts and saying how it is.

What I think would be the good use of money:

  • Funding and expanding the core dev team i.e. blocktrades
  • HBD listing on exchanges and staking reward trackers
  • Twitter/X subscription for more exposure and promoting tweets
  • Creating better interface for hive.io
  • Trying to fix the information on coingecko and coinmarketcap - money might fix it

It's not doom and gloom but it could be way better. I just don't think we can keep going like this forever.

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