Rebellion Sneak Peeks No.2



Welcome summoners to our Rebellion Sneak Peek! We will be revealing more new cards on our blog over the next week until the Rebellion set hits the Mavs server!



The Mar Toren Seeker is a bad mamba jamba that's a perfect second-position unit for the Target Practice ruleset—or anytime your opponent comes at you with Snipe. His Dodge and Phase means he can stand up against even magic attacks. And when he drops into your first position, he's got the staying power to serve as a tank while your back-line units do their dirty work.

The Kingdom of Mar Toren submitted to Silus of the Rift following the Chaos Empire’s conquest of the Splinterlands, but as long as the aquatic kingdom pays their taxes, the legions of Chaos mostly leave it to its own devices. The Empire’s kalamenties are occupied enough with the logistics of tyrannizing their terrestrial dominions, especially now, with acts of defiance growing more frequent by the day.

Meanwhile, Mar Toren’s seekers scout the waters surrounding their kingdom, aiding their besieged neighbors, identifying potential alliances, and covertly undermining the edicts of the Empire.
Should the day come when the citizens of Praetoria rise up against their oppressors, the Kingdom of Mar Toren will be ready to join them.


Weapons Training gets an overhaul in Rebellion, and the Moxian Rebel is ready to take full advantage of it. The ability now grants full attack power to adjacent units, and there it stays, even if the Trainer dies a grisly death. Pair her with Obsidian's team-wide +1 Magic buff, and the Moxian Rebel has the potential to bring a whopping six magic damage to the table. Ain't no other four-mana unit got that kind of firepower! And her Neutral element means you can fit her in any team. Did I mention she has Camouflage and Dodge, too? She's a rebel with a cause, and that cause is helping you kick butt and take names.

The wizard Sharielle Larimer and her husband owned a humble magic shop in Mox City’s bustling trade district. But when the Chaos Empire took the city, they also took her husband. He was conscripted into the legions of Chaos and sent away. They never even told her where.

When the sun rises, she opens her shop and goes through the motions. And when the sun goes down, she dons her mask of red and unleashes her wrath on the legionnaires and loyalists of Mox City.


We're all mourning the loss of the summoner Brighton Bloom and her team-wide Flying buff, so the Redwyrm Dragon is one of Rebellion's Flying units that you absolutely must have. It also has Immunity, which is crucial in the Noxious Fumes ruleset... and to counter the Tactics of a certain Underboss summoner from the Gobson Family (wink wink, nudge nudge). Immobolize your target with a stun, and that high health and armor is just icing on the ol' dragon cake.

The dragons of Mount Redwyrm are bound in obedience to the cruel and ancient red wyrm known as Rage. Theirs is a loyalty born of fear rather than affection, for any who had dared challenge Rage were effortlessly felled by his terrible fury.

Since the flight’s alliance with the Chaos Empire, these red dragons have become a constant presence in the skies above the Broken Lands. They glide into the cities and towns to collect tithings for their patriarch (while quietly keeping a share for themselves, of course) or swoop down to unleash their blistering destruction upon any who would dare to oppose them.


What units have Protect and Repair and can be used in the Little League ruleset? From Alpha to Rebellion, there's only one, and that's Runeseer Sevaya. She'll keep your team armored up, even if your opponent happens to land an attack while Blind. Meanwhile, her Cleanse keeps the debuffs off your tank so they can take a beating and keep on ticking. Got a unit with Thorns, Magic Reflect, or Return Fire taking hits? Pump their damage with Runeseer Sevaya's Amplify. She's certain to be key to a winning strategy in any ruleset!

Sevaya Sen and her Riftwatcher compatriots have followed in the wake of Silus of the Rift and his legions of Chaos across numerous realms. They collected the scraps and the survivors, bolstering their combat power and preparing for the day when they would stand against their mortal enemies.

Now, that day is fast approaching. The Chaos Empire controls the Splinterlands, and Sevaya is afraid. For she is a runeseer and triusul human, skilled in both runemancy and clairvoyance. She has seen the possible futures. Most lead to ruin. Only a handful do not. And in these handful, there is always a battle mage, and there are always choices.

She will do what she can to guide the battle mage toward the right ones.


The Rebellion card set brings endless dimensions of strategy to the Splinterlands as battle mages face off against one another in arena combat, fighting for fortune and fame. New abilities, Dual-elements, and Tactics lay the groundwork for a whole new level of gameplay.

Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to test your skills in the arena as you prepare for the coming Rebellion!


Stay tuned for more updates from the Splinterlands!

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NOTE: All rewards from this post will go to @sps.dao.

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