🚲 A Bike Ride Up North And A Visit To The Bitcoin ATM 💸

Deferral of gratification is what separates us from the apes. (And we're cuter.)

But once in a while, it's better not to defer.

Let's pretend I'm cycling, and I'm going out in some direction, and then home in the reverse direction. It's tempting to feel like I'd prefer to have the wind at my face on the way out, to get it over with. But actually I should prefer it at my back, because there's no guarantee the wind will stay like that. So take it while you can get it.

Bill Belichick will choose to kick off and get possession after halftime. But change the equation to where he's not 100% guaranteed to get it after halftime, and he'll take possession now.

Of course, I don't control which way the wind blows, so it doesn't matter. But the same concept is there with other things.

Like eating a delicious leftover. If you badly want it now, you should just do it. It's hard for that to be a big mistake. Whereas if you start playing the game of maybe you'll want it a little bit more later on, you might push on the string too far and it turns out that you never want it that badly again.

So just eat up, buttercup. There are times where it's appropriate to listen to your impulses and not over-defer.

Yesterday I went on a cycling mission to a Bitcoin ATM.

Shoutout to the cars, they were awesome. Calm and considerate the whole way thru.

But BooOOOooOOOooo to a fellow cyclist.

This guy got in my way passing me when he should have recognized that I was doing the thing with my neck looking at the traffic, trying to get into the other lane.

I doubt he'd even be faster than me if I was actually peddling, lol. I had just come out of a parking lot and was trying to time the traffic so I could turn. But he needs a way to justify his $5000 racing bike and all the Tour de France gear or whatever he was wearing. So he undervalues safety and consideration, and just wants to feel like he's supposed to pass.

That's my snap judgment of him anyways, lol. Of course I have no idea what his motivations were. But in any case he got in my way and should have recognized that I was turning.

The ATM was crisp.

And its fee was 2.5%, as advertised. Which is the lowest I've ever heard of on a Bitcoin ATM.

I thought they'd be sending me to a filthy gas station in the ghetto and that the machine wouldn't work if it was even really there. But nope, everything was nice.

The machine is 2-way vers (meaning, you can go cash to crypto or crypto to cash), and they do Bitcoin, Litecoin, and @rogerkver's favorite, Bitcoin Cash.

If there's a next time maybe I'll pawn off some Bitcoin Cash.

While I waited for the transaction to confirm, I chilled on the grass and took a moment to admire how worn down my shoes are.

(Shoutout to Arizona Grapeade.)

You gotta wear things to completion. But this may be taking it too far.

Mostly it's that I've been wearing flip flops, and whenever I get on the bike it's like "right, this is the state of my shoes". And today never seems to be the day I decide to get new ones.

But they're surprisingly still comfortable and fine to me.

After I got my money I noticed that there was this small little rich person grocery store, where you can buy "health food" and all the bullshit supplements and whatnot.

I'm not sure what the name of it is. "Market", apparently.

I'm always skeptical of that smell. Like you walk in and are greeted by the herbs and the fragrances or whatnot, and you just know you aren't finding anything for the right price.

Almond milk was on sale for $1 more than you'd pay anywhere else:

Gardein was really high.

And WTF?

Those things should be $1. (High priced "specialty items" are one thing. But frozen vegetables? lol.)

Like, who would shop here? I don't get it. Has to be just snob appeal?

Whole Foods is like a bargain basement compared to this place. It's funny how people are sometimes skeptical of "big business". If it weren't for big business, this is what you'd get.

Now, there are a lot of laws in place that naturally favor big business. (And a complicated set of tax laws and regulations and a super weird legal system that's costly to navigate.) So, remove those things. Strike the root. But keeping those things in place and barking at people to avoid big business.. doesn't accomplish anything, and go ahead and pay $3 for a handful of frozen corn if you want to.

I actually did buy something tho:

Shame on me.

I'd never seen that particular Gardein product anywhere else, and was curious to try it. So it at least wasn't strictly bad to buy it here. And I knew I'd be hungry when I got home.

I also bought water and 4 dates and a little bag of bbq puffy things that was on sale for $2.

In retrospect it's probably good that Market didn't have much to offer me, because it seems I'm more in shape with the bongs than with the bicycles right now, and the 40 miles roundtrip pushed me pretty hard. So I didn't need to be carrying weight.

#crypto #dontoverpayforgroceries #FriendsNotFood #vegan #cycling #bongs #bikes #Bitcoin #sneakers #oldsneakers #ArizonaBeverageCompany #rogerkver

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