Invest Your Time and Do Nothing for Free


Time is money, a phrase we keep on hearing since forever! To be honest, i can't even count how many times i heard it, both from people i admire as well as people who just wanna act cool by saying.

I think though, that i began to understand the true meaning of this phrase and i want to share it with you all...for free...because i am coo!
even though i think you know it deep down

Well, to begin with, the title was a little bit of exaggeration but i am pretty sure you'll understand what i mean by the end of the post.

How You are Wasting your Time

If the majority of people sat down and thought for a moment "how i waste my time? then i am pretty certain they gonna discover a lot of things about themselves.

Social Media

One of the biggest time-wasting activities in my opinion is social media. You only need a Facebook/Instagram/Tik-Tok account and bam, your time is wasted!

You see people tend to lose the amount of time they spend on social media. What they basically do is scrolling through their feed checking photos, videos, and sometimes news.

I have seen many people around their 20s 30s with a phone on their hands just clicking automatically each and every story on their feed. They basically, hadn't even watched half of them, every move they did was because all of this became a habit...a bad habit!

Watching The News and starting a comment War

I know for a fact that everyone out there somehow learns about what's going on. You may be using a TV or websites of your choice to do so. Heck, you can even do that from social media!

To add to that i have seen many comment wars to break up around specific news. For example, now that btc surpassed 20k i saw under a comment section on Facebook over 10k comments, fighting each other about its future, like btc cares :P

How many hours are you spending doing that?

Hours that not only you earning 0 but you also gain a lot of frustration sometimes! How not cool is that?


I am a gamer myself so don't bother changing my opinion on that matter. I have spent over 1000 hours of gaming in my life and that amount may only be for pokemon games on Gameboy DS!

Don't tell me that you haven't tried a stupid game and then realized that you spent over 20 hours on it? i sure did it...a lot! I don't even remember some of the games i have wasted my time, imagine that.

The only case in which you are not spending your time gaming is when you are a professional player and earn money out of it. If you earn thousands of dollars by playing then you are the man! or the woman!

Don't get me wrong, you may say that i am a dreamer, but i am not the only one! Nah i was joking there, i know that gaming gives us pleasure so we don't feel that we waste our time by doing so.

What if you could play games and get paid at the same time?

How to Get Paid for Investing your Time

Let's see now how all of the above everyday things that we do and waste our time can change easily and start earning a little something!

Get paid using Social Media

All of you that are here on this platform know what i mean. The ones who read this for the first time get ready to change your lives!

Instead of wasting your time on social media platforms like Facebook/Instagram and such you can simply create an account on LeoFinance or Hive and discover a brand you world!

You see in these platforms you can post and write anything you want and on top of that getting paid for doing so!

Get paid by Reading the News and Commenting

Let's now tie together the social media platforms and the news. Even before you begin to read the news by using another browser like BAT you can earn for searching!

Then you can come to this platform or hive and read whatever you like. There are tons of new articles every day in here with a variety of content.

Even better, you can join a relevant community according to your likes and start interacting with them or simply reading the news there. If you decide to make a comment, beware you can earn money!

Yes you can earn money by doing a simple comment. From as little as 1 cent to literally any amount! After the first time, this happened to me, it changed my whole perspective around money.

Now i never comment on mainstream social media as i see no point in doing so. Instead, i am extremely active here and one of the top regarding commenting. I don't do it only for money though, i only comment on people that i read their posts and like their content!

Get paid by Gaming

Gamers come here as fast as you can and by here i don't mean necessarily in this platform but in the cryptoverse! In Hive for example there is a gaming community.

You can simply join there, post about gaming stuff, reviews of games, gaming news, videos of you playing, and earn money from the community! Don't let me get started about the crypto games that you can play and start earning from day 1!

I will make a dedicated post about that in the following games

Crypto equals a brand new world of Opportunities

As you can see the crypto world provides new opportunities to earn money for each and every single person out there. You don't have to be an expert at finance or a programmer.

In fact, you should just be yourself and find a place for something that you are fond of either that is gaming, writing, commenting, food, anything!

By doing so and when you see the first $$$ in your wallet your whole perspective will change and after that, your time will only be invested, never wasted!

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