Taking a day off to Curate


Once in a while, i wanna relax a bit and stay back enjoying some good content around here, without creating any posts, or creating less than usual.

You see, there are times that i am creating more than one post, not in here but in other communities. Writing a post can be pretty damn hard, some people need to search for words/grammar in English as it is their second-third language. Others may find it difficult to think of what they gonna write about the next day.

Also, there are people that while writing, tend to think over and over and this can consume quite some time. While others need to write a bit more "advance" stuff that not only takes time but quite some digging as well.

For example, apart from finance-related posts, i really enjoy writing a few scientific ones as well. I am really amazed by science especially when science is tied with nature or psychology.

When i am willing to write a post like that it usually takes 2 to 3 times the amount of time i spent writing my posts on Leo or Hive. Not only i need to do a little bit of research and find trusted sources, i also have to read them carefully, take the essence of it, "translate it" in simple terms, and then share it with you all! Check some of my posts below:

Evolution of Plant in order to avoid People
Caterpillars Fighting and Toads Shrank (Lessons to Learn)
Can Alligators regrow their Tails?

Although i extremely like doing that and as you can see i am quite consistent at my posting schedule, it takes too much of my time. As you know i want to spend a significant amount of time curating and commenting as well.

So i decided to have some days without posting anything and using that time into curating your posts and interacting with you all! That was all, just a small update!

How important is curating for you?

How many posts you make per day?

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