Black Friday 2019 vs Black Friday Quarantine Edition 2020 (Statistics)


As i have mentioned before Black Friday in Greece sucks! We have basically no actual deals and the best offers you will find around 20% off.

The "real" black Friday is in the USA, with many sweet deals and offers for you. You may beat somebody or get beaten to death though, but who cares! Anyway, a couple of years ago, through eBay, in USA when Black Friday was on, as i mentioned in another post i made one of the purchases that i am really proud of!

Yesterday i wondered what happened during this covid19 special edition of Black Friday, especially given the fact that we were in quarantine in Greece.

I want to see if there was an increase in purchases, especially now that everyone knows how badly Black Friday sucks in our country. Because i am cool and stuff i found a report from the top greek website that hosts other shops in its site, it's basically like an ebay for shops and called Srkoutz

2020 Growth

Note that the Black Friday offers started about a week before the actual day, so we basically had a "black week" and the results below are based on that.

  • 42% increase in page views totaling 14,5 million views
  • 150% increase in orders totaling 972.000
  • **44% **Increase in GMV Year over Year & 73% increase compared to 2019 totaling 41,3 million euro for the 6600 stores that are on Sktoutz's platform

Below on the first 3 diagrams, you can see exactly what i mentioned above. Starting from left to right, the first one is regarding the numbers of visitors (views) the second one regarding the orders, and the third one regarding the GMV!


Above you can see the growth by each category, or as they named it "family of products" in terms of the number of visitors, orders, and GMV. For instance, the home and garden and technology categories were in the center of the user's attention.

Also, there is a top 10 sorted by the volume of orders but i won't share it all together. I will tell you the top 3 and an unexpected outsider. So the top 3 were:

  • Phone Cases
  • Smartphones
  • Christmas tree ornaments

and in fifth place, we got the books! How awesome is that? It's really interesting that people chose to buy books and i think the number 1 factor that leads them to it was the quarantine. If we didn't have the quarantine and cafeterias were open i bet books won't even be at the top10!

but did we really had actual offers or not?

The reality of "Black Friday Deals"

Once again according to the site they compared the purchases between 2019 and 2020 and found out that:

  • The products that people bought at better prices are basically the same, 8.3% (2020) to 8.5% (2019)
  • The products that people bought at worst and more expensive prices are more, 3.8% (2020) compared with 1.2%(2019)


Yellow Color: Top 10 sorted by views, n1 Smartphones

Blue Color: Top 10 sorted by orders, n1 telephone cases

Green Color: Top 10 sorted by GMV, n1 Smartphones

isn't this fascinating? we are in a worse phase financially, many people lost their jobs and businesses and yet we have the worst deals. To add to that, many people didn't make their research and paid more than they could have paid last year.

I think in troubled times like this we should be more careful. Companies wanna make more money with the minimum cost and they succeed in this as you see. It's not their fault in my opinion, it's our fault for not paying attention.

Don't get overexcited guys, you are doing the same with the cryptos when you see a pump. You are wasting money like this, stay cool and calm and make a little bit of research!

What do you guys think?

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