Bitcoin Surpassed 20k (The Good The Bad and The Ugly)


It's true Bitcoin finally broke its record and went over 20k. In fact, it reaches a new ATH (all-time high) of $20,651.36 USD! I don't know about you but i lost the bet, i thought it will reach that number in exactly 10 days from now!

What surpassing 20k means though?

The Good

Now that bitcoin finally surpassed 20k many good things will follow. One of which will be the immediate effect of that achievement. That effect is a chain that will pump mostly all the prices of the other altcoins!

That means that even if you got shitcoins you still gonna enjoy some profits and in turn, your lives will become somewhat better. For instance, if we take a look at the charts you only gonna see one color

Green the color of money!


Another good thing that will come out of this is that more people will start asking the right questions and will turn to cryptos. People no matter how hard they believe in something can easily change when the money aspect is around!

Along with them, many others will start talking about it, and via word of mouth, the news will spread. I bet even the news will say about that ATH. Get ready for new adopters!

The Bad

i tend to be a realist so i won't only brag about BTC. Along with prosperity and riches and the scammers will arrive. Not only scammers but generally speaking people that are only after a fast profit will emerge.

You all know what happened when Steem's price skyrocketed. The same will happen again and if you remember what i said about the chain effect earlier, you need to start preparing for new onboards even here!

Those new onboards won't be only cool people. Many abusers will arrive as well and we need to be ready for them. We are supposed to have learned from our previous mistakes and i wanna believe that this time we will protect the community!

The Ugly

The crypto-influencers of my ass will once again emerge from the depths of hell. Those people that got paid to promote shitcoins or the ones with the absurd claims in order to attract more audience.

The real ugly my dear ladies and gentlemen are the scammers. Not those scammers that will copy/paste a post, those are easy to be delt. I am talking about the ones who are behind scams that worth millions of dollars!

Do you know the common element between the scammers and crypto-influencers?

They are all driven by greed and they all try to mislead people. Trust me when i am saying this, many people will lose their money starting by this day.

It's easy to that those people are stupid and in a way i agree but we want them as well. When we are talking about mass adoption, those people are included too.

Otherwise, if more and more will fall victims to scams or, got mislead, they will start again blaming cryptos and guess what, say bye-bye to mass adoption and welcome to more regulation and laws that will be against cryptos!

What do you guys think?

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