When It Comes To Crypto, I Have No Time For Small Minds

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If You've been following my blog for awhile you've heard me describe my region as a "crypto desert." This area seems to be Luddite central when it comes to almost anything to do with cryptocurrency, with some people likening us to some kind of strange cult.

I can still remember when I was trying to spread the word back in 2010 about the free Bitcoin faucet where you could get 5 tokens with just an email address. That's how I got my very first crypto, and wanted to share the information with others.

Of course, the first thing I ran into was that some people thought it was some illegal counterfeiting operation, while others were wary just because it was free. A year later with Satoshi now in the news, that still wasn't enough to move anyone to take action, even more so when the price began to swing.

Remember when BTC hit $100 and then swung back? That freaked a lot of people here out who's simple minds saw that as the ride being over, stick a fork into it. However, I was confident that this new thing called the blockchain had too much utility to be ignored, and would actually end up changing everything, and it has. But twelve years ago, that was a tough sell to people lacking the vision to imagine a future filled with the endless possibilities that the blockchain offers.

Small minds think alike.

Part of the reason many miss out on the opportunities right in front of them is they're walking around with blinders on and they don't even know it. The ones that make it are those with the ability to construct a future in their minds and the willingness to craft a plan and take ACTION to make it happen.

You can literally come here with nothing, setup an account on LeoFinance, and over time build a future for yourself on the blockchain. Many have done it, and many more will. But others will never have the gumption to break out of the financial Faraday cage they’ve built around themselves which prevent new ideas and opportunities form reaching their brain stem.

I long ago decided to surround myself with like-minded people whose imagination is lit and ready to receive whatever bounty is on offer when Fortune knocks at our door. There's too much information out there now about the life-changing aspects inherent in crypto.

In 2009, nobody knew about the blockchain and you had an excuse. Now, you don't. You either get it and are willing to take action, or you won't. That's what separates the wheat from the chaff, and my time is better spent with those that have ears to hear and eyes that see.

Now that's not to say that I've completely given up on getting the word out, which is one of the reasons why I blog. It's exciting to see someone take action and make a transformative choice which can change their lives. And that why I believe in the power of crypto. If you've found this post through my Twitter account or via a Google search, take a moment and make the choice to join Hive or LeoFinance, it just might change your life.

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