#LPUD Power!

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It's been a long, slow, grind clawing my account out of the doldrums it was in for most of the year, but it feels great to be back! I couldn't afford to join in with the earlier Festivus #LPUD celebrations, but am now able to do so for the first time ever.

I'm so thankful to the LeoFinance community for being a database of knowledge and for extending a warm embrace of support. In the five+ years I've been here, I've been blessed to have some of my posts featured on the site. And I really believe that if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.

My near-term goal is to stake 1000 LEO. For the longer term, i WILL stake first 10,000 LEO, and then plan to add more blocks of 1000 until I reach 100,000 LEO staked. It's good to have goals. :)

So, I'm more than to be able to power up my little 200 LEO in order to help propel our tribe to contiuned growth. This doubles my curation, and will allow me to give an even bigger boost to our amazing content creators.

What's important to me is to be able to have an even bigger impact over time, and that happens with every post, comment and upvote. However, what helps take our accounts to the next level, is when we power up LEO tokens.

So, I won't write War and Peace with this post, and will keep it nice and compact so that you can get on with your day. Thank you for every bit of your support as I restore my presence on LeoFinance to where it was at the beginning of the year and shoot for the stars at "The Place to Be" on the blockchain! :)

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Image Credit: [1] @EverNoticeThat Created using Canva

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