Winners (In Business And Life)

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I love it when people win. Even more so when it happens to someone that struggled and kept pushing despite failure and adversity. I never get jealous, instead I want to know how they did it so that I can do it too. It's nice when everything just falls into place for those that truly deserve it.

Winners In Business

A perfect example is my friend that I knew from Jr High School. I hadn't seen him in years, but ran into him one day working outside a building. He had a bucket and squeegee and was cleaning windows. Noting that there's nothing wrong with honest work, I was surprised when he told me he owned the window washing company and business was booming. Since I knew he came from a humble family, I asked him how he was able to get this company started, and boy was I surprised by his answer!

Like me, he had a reputation as an honest guy, but he could never seem to catch a break in life. One of his friends had a sit-down with him one day about his future. Turns out the guy was moving to Europe with no intentions of ever returning. Like me, this guy also had a family of grifters that he was in no hurry to do any favors for. So he made him an offer.

He'd sell him the business for $1, yep, you heard that right. Even I had trouble believing it until I confirmed it with the guy myself. In return, he was to pay it forward by lifting somebody else up with a good hear who also couldn't catch a break in life as well. This way his good deed would continue to pay dividends for years to come.

And so, that was that. He turned everything over, and my buddy kept his word as we all expected he would. He found a guy who was homeless, but known to be good and decent all around. This person became the first employee he hired when he first started out.

Winners In Life...

The business had grown since then, and now he had a team of workers and the company was thriving, and that's when I ran into what most would have thought was an employee, but who was actually the company owner.

And trust me, I know this dude, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. (unless it was me, let’s not get crazy here). :)

Because he struggled to find and keep jobs since getting out of school, and I was so happy for him. He even offered me a job on the spot, but I was already working. don't you just love it when good things happen to people like this who really deserve it?

I was so glad that this opportunity landed in his lap and he was willing to open the door when Fortune knocked.

Accounts like these give hope to that person grinding away and putting their shoulder to the wheel year after year. It does the heart good to see them finally break through, grab that brass ring and never let go. It's just the kind of thing to get you all fired up and raring to attack any obstacle in your way to find success. And if he can do it, you can too. :)

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