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Hive Changed My Life

Hive is the best opportunity for me.

Some call this being a "maximalist". Is this true? For me, I can state that I do not think Hive is the only option out there. In fact, from a bandwidth standpoint, to convert even a portion of the traffic over from centralized entities is going to require a lot more than just Hive. I also feel there are other tokens that will do tremendous over the coming years.

That said, I also see the impact Hive is making in not only my life, but the lives of others. Either way, maximalist or not, I am very optimistic about where things are going.

As I write this, some are claiming we are in the middle of another Crypto-Winter. This could be the case. Nevertheless, let us look forward to the Summer of Web 3.0.


Hive Is Offering Abundance

Hive has something that very few projects offer in cryptocurrency. We see people showing up with nothing and getting involved. Thus, the journey into abundance can begin with zero start up costs.

Many point to Bitcoin and Ethereum, two coin I am also bullish on long-term. However, to realistically get involved, one needs to buy in. Thus, those with resources are able to partake; the rest, sorry about your luck.

Hive is a small but dedicated ecosystem. This is what sets it apart. It was founded in turmoil. Here we see a level of commitment that is not often present. For many, there is a mission to what we are doing here.

Will Hive ever be the biggest? I do not think so. That does not mean it will not be highly profitable for many involved. We are seeing some pieces falling into place which are very important. Those who are utilizing them now are going to see how powerful all this is down the road.

There is development. That is the most crucial thing at this point. There are still issues which are hindering the forward progress. It is not the end of the world since this is all a process.

For those who join in with the mindset of being part of something that is going to be life-changing, they will realize opportunities only a few ever have. Web 3.0, while still in its infancy, is going to radically change the entire world. Hive can be a part of that.

What is the financial value of that? We obviously cannot answer that but we do know, the last time this happened with the Internet, trillions of dollars of value was generated. This time, it could end up moving into the quadrillions.

That is why abundance is before us. Expansion and growth can be exponential. In a complex system like Hive, that means going in a lot of different directions. Yet, that is why it is a honeypot. There are many avenues being pursued. A number of them will hit over time.


From Wherever To Exceptional

It does not matter where one is starting from. The way I see it is Hive can take anyone's life to the level of exceptional. That is how much is being offered.

Community is an important concept and will keep growing as we transition into the digital world. We see how this exists on the likes of Facebook yet they can be cesspools of infighting and negativity. Hive operates on a different level. Why? It is hard to pinpoint. Perhaps this is an overall benefit of Web 3.0. People have options and if not happy here, simply go elsewhere.

That said, as engagement increases, relationships are forged. Money is not the answer to all of life's problems nor is it the most important thing. However, for those without any money, life can be excruciating. It is hard to be free when most of us have to trade our time for a paycheck that ends up going out as quickly as it enters.

This was my story. I was in a job that I really didn't like. Comfortable was a word that could describe my situation. Ultimately, it was like a chain around my neck. Comfortable does not equate to thriving nor is it very exciting. It was still a job.

Hive changed all this for me. I believe it can for most everyone else who is committed. For me, it was the transition from comfortable salesman in a mature industry doing enough to earn what got me by to looking at the future with "revolutionary eyes". What is happening in cryptocurrency (and blockchain in general) is going to change the world.

Hive is an expanding ecosystem. Every month we have more. This might not be the case when we measure against USD or some other fiat. However, that is based upon market pricing.

What is not subject to ups and downs is the numbers being achieved. Over time, more tokens are distributed. That means active people are seeing their wallets fill. At the same time, new projects bring out new tokens. Many cite how tokens just show up in their accounts. Airdrops are so regular in cryptocurrency that "Helicopter Ben" is jealous.


The Summer of Web 3.0

This is something that few are discussing, especially since people like Elon Musk cannot find Web 3.0. However, it is here and being built.

One of the keys is that we are getting ready for prime time. We cannot provide for all if they wanted it today. That is where development and overcoming issues is essential. Still a lot of work to be done.

That said, there is little doubt we will see a Summer for Web 3.0. This is not going away since it is the next generation Internet. Few who follow this will dispute that. In fact, we can look at the actions of many of the Web 2.0 companies to see how they grasp what is taking place. They see the threat to their business models.

It is hard for many to fathom how Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is going to be woven into everything online. Considering how things are now, that is a revolutionary idea. Focusing back upon Hive, we see that being the case. Our most recent addition, Listnerds, took an existing token and added another one. Both are applicable to that platform and a way to incentive the users.

Tokenization is a major disruption. This is a basis for Web 3.0. As the industry becomes more user friendly and the masses start to grasp at the potential, we will see the floodgates open.

The digital world is in the process of being monetized. Cryptocurrency made monetization and, thus, commerce native to the Internet. This is Web 3.0. We no longer need that layer between the base which became so popular under Web 2.0. The likes of Amazon and Facebook are now targeted. Their models will have to change a great deal or they risk disruption.

How Big Can Hive Get?

This is a question that is impossible to answer. We have a lot of areas that we can target and discuss the potential. There is one area that really fascinates me; one that can radically change the entire foundation of Hive.

That is the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD). It is a topic that we discussed a great deal. However, for the sake of this article, we will keep our focus very simple.

HBD is designed to operate as a stablecoin, pegged to $1 worth of Hive. We know the peg is floating a bit although the range is tightening. That said, in an age where regulation is being discussed, an algorithmic driven stablecoin has tremendous potential. Since there is no lab, company, or foundation behind it, the regulators are impotent against it.

Of course, to operate as a legitimate stablecoin, more than 12 million floating is required. How much is required to sustain commerce on a decent scale? A few hundred million? A billion? While the exact number is uncertain, we know it is much higher than it is how.

Once of the ways HBD is generated is by people putting it in savings. This presently pays out 12% APR. This is a number that could go much higher. At some point, if it is to be a useful stablecoin, we need many more in circulation. Increasing the APR will help to accomplish this.

For this reason, I expect the payout to increase over time. That means we could see 15%, 20% or higher as a return on a base-layer token with no 3rd party risk. There is just your wallet and the blockchain.

Think about the potential here. Hive, through the HBD savings program, can offer an outsized return on a very low risk token and does so because it needs to radically increase the supply. In other words, the inflation will be desperately needed.

Just to contrast, Tether has almost 80 billion and USDC is over 50 billion tokens. For HBD to get to 1 billion is going to require about a 100X increase in the number. Of course, there are other ways to generate HBD but this just shows how much room there is.

Just think of the potential if that was being offered to the cryptocurrency community. No threat of regulation; no rug pulls; no Mt Gox type situations. Would a high APR pull in a great deal of fixed income money to generate what the ecosystem desperately needs, more HBD? It seems likely.

Naturally, for anyone to transaction on Hive, one is going to need a bit of HIVE staked so as to operate.

Hive already changed my life and I believe it will continue to do so. My vision is that, two years from now, we are in a much different position with this ecosystem. Just think of how far things came in the last 24 months, a time when we were fighting with Justin Sun and the code for Hive was being worked on behind the scenes.

Did Hive change your life? Is it in the process of doing so? Let us know in the comment section where you stand on this.

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