what's in the boat house

i have been to this boat house several times

enjoyed the view as it changes with the weather and light

been up close

and even under it examining and photographing all the rust

i've seen it from all sides

and checked the doors

wondering what's inside

but that's about to change because i am getting a tour

inside there are fishing nets. lots of them.

different kinds of nets for different kinds of fish

these are old ones from previous generations, no longer in use

so they are neatly, respectfully and proudly hung

as monuments to their forefathers. prized inheritance

with artistic and historic value. the younger generations have no experience using these nets but when the present day elders were children they were out in the boats with their fathers eking out a living from the sea. they learned firsthand how their survival in this harsh climate depended on labor, craftsmanship and skill on the sea.

it is hard to convey to those who have never experienced the hardship and joy just how valuable these nets once were.

newer nylon nets are not the same at all. not because they don't function well but because survival does not depend on them. food can be bought in the shop a short drive away. there are jobs that pay a decent enough living. so newer nets are untidily piled in plastic tubs waiting to be properly folded and dried for the next time their owners decide it would be nice to go out and catch some fish.

what about tomorrow, skipper?

this is the seventeenth post in a series of photos i took in Leirfjord, Norway at the end of August.

links to previous ones:

more to come

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