a hike in forslandsdalen

today's hike is in the Forsland valley in Leirfjord, Norway up to a unique hydroelectric power plant. the 6 km up to the plant follows the service road passing two lower dams and ending at the power plant. it is a relatively easy hike considering the mountainous terrain it traverses. the power company has gone to considerable lengths to minimize the environmental impact on the watercourse and it shows.

the lowest and oldest dam is just above the parking area. our friend accompanied us for a short while at the beginning.

below the dam the stream empties into Leirfjord which is salt water

the road here is quite flat following the lake and the surrounding meadow

good grazing ground for sheep

we crossed a bridge with a view up to the second dam. there was not much water flowing but there were a couple of nice pools that looked very inviting for a quick dip

we reached the second dam, here looking back down to the bridge and the lake

hindavi on the second dam

summer is near the end this far north but we have lovely warm sunny weather

i love these mountain bogs but they are far wetter than they appear so we kept to the road

dwarf cornel berries

a side stream

after passing through so much beautiful nature we finally reached the visitors center. the building is tastefully placed in the terrain yet the reflecting glass facade is quite striking.

a few hundred meters still to go before coming to the power plant

the prize-winning design is impressive

with all that awesome glass there has to be a reflection selfie. i am sure we are not the first

there is just a trickle of water coming from the plant. it would have been nice if there was more but the stream below the plant definitely compensated. by the way the water flowing into the plant is in a tunnel from a lake higher up.

back on the road again. this time downhill.

a nice leisurely pace with time to notice details such as the many mushrooms

and the odd snail

there is something about these bogs with the trees and mountains behind

but the lake vistas above the second dam takes the prize.

i have taken all these photos with my samsung s22 phone.
they have not been edited in any way

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