an evening walk along the Leirfjord

the sun had sunk behind the mountain behind us but it would still be light for a while yet so i took a stroll along the fjord.

leaving my friend's house behind i decided to head east along the fjord to see what i might find. her house is on a slope above the helgelandskysten national scenic road so i had my phone camera and high hopes.

the land had been in her family for generations. having a boat had always been a necessity so of course there is a boathouse on the shore.

the view east along the coast from the road

and across the fjord to the northeast where a light cargo ship was passing

leirfjord is close to the arctic circle so farming here is mostly limited to grass to feed the livestock through the long winter.

there are a few fish farms around the area but none that i could see. nonetheless i came to an industrial plot that serviced them. the access road barrier was in the grass so i presumed it was okay for me to go in and have a look.

that's the kind of thing i was hoping for- an old boat and an even older shack. i love this kind of stuff and the low evening light is just right for the occasion. too bad i couldn't find an easy way to get to that shack

a bunch of plastic floats lying around, presumably from a fish farm. not exactly what i was looking for but it is what it is

tire fenders but no dock, not sure how that is useful but it looks good

zooming in back to the west and the opening of the fjord off to the right in the distance

again facing east. the last weak rays of the sun touching the mountain ever so softly. there's a lovely fold in that mountain. i doubt there is a path up through it but it seems like it would be easy enough to climb. ten years ago i certainly would have tried, i bet the view from up top is more than worth the effort.
but it is time to head back to the house

there's that barn again and a nice looking old house. the place looks well kept though traditionally barns and other outhouses are painted red while the houses are white or some other light color. but who am i to tell them what to do?

back to where i started, one last look before i call it a night.

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