What is Golden Milk? (Recipe Inside)

Hey everyone, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you have a great start to the new weekend! In my new article, I would like to go into an interesting topic and introduce an old medicine and I am happy if you can learn new things.

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Golden milk, Tumeric milk or traditional Haldi doodh is a thousand-year-old remedy which is traditionally made from turmeric, milk and black pepper and it is a very strong natural medicine that can be used in many ways against all possible types of diseases. The origin is in India where it is deeply rooted in traditional medicine which is also known as Ayurveda and it is much more effective than if you simply consume turmeric as tea because many do not even know that the active ingredients of the root are not very soluble in water compared to milk. The most important active ingredient of turmeric is curcumin and is known for its strong anti-inflammatory effect and can have a positive effect on the whole body as well as the immune system and if people additionally consume it with black pepper, the body can absorb curcumin even better and thus the effectiveness is even more increased and the golden milk is also easy to prepare and recommended for anyone who is looking for a strong natural medicine or simply wants to try something new. There are different recipes and for all of them the most important basis is of course the choice of qualitative raw materials and with turmeric, both the fresh root can be used as well as the powder and there are numerous other ways to make the milk even more effective and by adding other spices such as ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg or others the effective can be increased even more. Some also prefer to add honey to the milk and of course it remains open to everyone how to prepare it and I have chosen in my case turmeric and ginger as root, black pepper and oat milk and if desired you can also add some high-quality oil to dissolve the active ingredients even better and especially recommended here is coconut oil. There are also different choices of milk and in addition to normal milk, oats, coconut or rice milk can be recommended and if someone should pay attention to the calories, simply add some water. It can be worthwhile to consume it against acute cases of illness, but also for the prevention of diseases or the general stabilization of the immune system it can be helpful and is an important medicine with a long history which can be consumed regularly or from time to time.

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For my recipe I used:

  • 350ml Oat milk
  • 20 grams of Turmeric as root (or about 1 - 2 teaspoons of powder)
  • 20 grams of Ginger root
  • A pinch of Black pepper

Depending on how strong the milk should be, of course, the amount of used ingredients should be adjusted and if the Golden milk should be prepared more often, you will find your own recipe over time and can try different additional things.

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The different steps of preparation:

  • Step 1: Mix the ingredients and mash with a mixer, rasp or a classic mortar mill
  • Step 2: Heat the milk in a cooking pot and reduce heat
  • Step 3: Add the crushed ingredients, stir thoroughly and simmer for about 3-5 minutes
  • Step 4: Pour golden milk into a glass or cup and enjoy and strain it if desired or consume with the crushed pieces

According to another recipe, it can be worthwhile to make a turmeric paste as a base, which can then be mixed with the milk and the other ingredients and to produce it, about 100 ml of water are used in which the turmeric was previously simmered for about 10 minutes. As mentioned above, there are countless different recipes and you will quickly find your own mixture and it can also be worthwhile to produce larger quantities which can also be stored in the refrigerator for a few weeks without any problems.

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Thank you very much for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about this topic! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.

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