Work harder on yourself

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When do we look at the way humans plan their lives? We are mostly focused on working harder on our jobs just because we know working harder on our jobs will potentially give us more money, and this is why we are focused on making better ways to make money, looking for ways to get more money, and not working on ourselves, and most people believe that immediately they graduated from a university that's the end of working on yourself.

In today's world, hard work alone may not be enough to earn you success. It's important to focus on creating value and developing your skills to become more valuable. By doing so, you can potentially earn more money without having to work too hard. For instance, some individuals who work remotely and share their knowledge with others are making more money than those who work tirelessly at their jobs. Despite this, many people still prioritize their jobs over self-improvement.

The main issue that many of us face is our reluctance to work on ourselves. Instead, we tend to focus on working harder solely for the sake of earning money. Although some individuals have the opportunity to use their money for self-improvement, such as web development courses, they often choose to spend it on short-term pleasures that don't contribute to their growth. It's important to note that these individuals are working hard to earn money, but tend to direct it towards their liabilities and momentary joys rather than themselves.

There is nothing bad in choosing to seek money first for personal reasons, but immediately, we start making money. We should use the power of money to improve and work on ourselves because we can use our money to buy more time for ourselves, and this time will be used to self-improve ourselves or work on ourselves but for most people, the opposite is the case because they focus on making money alone and not work on themselves.

Sometimes working on yourself is not always about money is about little things.

When it comes to investing in yourself or improving yourself, most people believe it's always about money, but it's not like that. For instance, if you want to improve your health, most of the important things you must do not require money, they only require effort. For instance exercise, you can do it anywhere, and spending one to two hours of your time on yourself will make a difference at the end of the day, another thing is reading books

Devoting just 15 to 30 minutes each day to learning something new by reading books can significantly benefit us in our financial or personal journey, as we expose ourselves to fresh ideas. Although some may argue that this is challenging, it only requires prioritizing 15 minutes of our daily schedule or just 30 minutes for learning. By putting our hearts into it, self-improvement becomes an achievable task that doesn't always demand monetary investments.

When you have so much value, people will look for you. You will not only make money for yourself but make fortunes, and you will find yourself. It will be tough for people to replace you because of the value you carry, and these always come from working so hard on yourself and not working so hard on another person's job.

All these, you can start by doing the small things that matter by trying to be better every day. And at the end of the day, everything will add up, and before you know it, you are the best version of yourself.

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