Analyzing the market is good for everyone in crypto.


Sometimes I wonder how people buy the top of Bitcoin, especially at 69k but we can't blame them for it because many people thought it was going to 100k and some people followed the hype on Twitter which was crazy. I was one of those few people that was not carried away, I kept on checking the market, the btc dominance, and some other things but in the end, I knew something was about to happen.

No one knows the future but we need something to be able to predict the outcome even though is not guaranteed when it comes to crypto we have two ways of analyzing the market which is technical and fundamental analysis. we have so many people that thought knowing how to read the market is not necessary but based on my journey In crypto, it has saved me a lot of time from Making the terrible decision.

One of that terrible decisions is buying a coin at the very top, knowing how to read the chat will save you a lot of money and most importantly make you a lot of money but most crypto enthusiasts thought you should only know how to read chat when you want to focus on trading and not for investors but the truth is the wise investor knows analysis but the fool investor just buy the coin.

The analysis will help you to know when to buy or sell, help you with dollar cost averaging techniques, the analysis will help to avoid FUD that could have made you touch your portfolio. The analysis makes you better in crypto and it is not only meant for traders alone, it makes our decision better and gives us a level of understanding that is needed in bear and bull markets.

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