do the extra work


A game of football is one of those things that has proved to us talent ain't enough, you might have the talent but you must be ready to do the extra work and hard work on the pitch by putting your body in line, applying pressure on the opponent because those little things might be the game changer. After the work on the pitch, you must be able to do the extra work off the pitch by looking after your body. Extra work on your fitness and doing extra practicing after training sessions because those extra work always counts at the end of the day.

If we apply this to real life it is obvious we need to work hard to make money in life, hard work doesn't pay overnight it needs to be on a consistent level to work, it is just like going to the gym. You don't expect to have a flat tummy overnight or lose body weight in just a day of training we must have been doing that same thing every day because every little effort we make adds up at the end of the day.

One thing about making an extra effort is that it builds us, making an effort means we are not relying on the people we know, the talent we have, or the money we have, it simply means we are ready to make mistakes over and over again before we get it right, ready to push above our limit. Most people are comfortable with what they have but putting in the extra work will always put us in a place we thought we could never be.

Extra effort let us build on what we already have, you can never lose by putting in the extra work because each time you fail will only give you more experience to be better and each time you make this effort you won't make the same mistake and you are always one step closer to your goal with just a try. Put in extra work for the thing you desire and see how things unfold.

Fear of unknown

The main reason why people don't put in extra work is the fear of whether the outcome might not be good, the fear of wasting their time or resources but when it comes to our personal development, I don't think there should not be anything that must hold us back.

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