Time to flush it out


Do you even flush?


Well with about 2 weeks or so left before this lady is ready for harvest, I felt it was a good time to give it a good flush. The purpose of a flush is basically to clean out the soil from nutrients that have been building up. It is like a deep clean for your soil that can reduce soil toxicity and some say that it also helps give your cannabis a better flavor.


It is the middle of winter here and the only place I could flush this plant is in my bath tub. When you flush, you want to run as much water through the soil and then let the water run out of the bottom of the pot. The water can be pretty gross looking and it looks like piss or diarrhea.

I ran about three gallons of water through this until the water that was coming out of the bottom wasn't as dark and gross looking. One thing to make sure of when you are flushing is that you don't stress the plant out by pouring freezing cold water onto it. I tried to get the water as close to room temperature as possible. The last thing you want to do in the final weeks is to stress the plant out for no reason.


The hairs on the bud are starting to change to orange, which lets me know we are getting close to the finish line.


The buds on this one are massive. The entire plant looks like one gigantic bud. I am not sure if it is because the plant is in a seven gallon pot or if the Dutch Pro Explode is the reason for that. I did overfeed this plant though because I was using Explode plus some of the Fox Farm nutrients during flower. This caused a lot of discoloration in the leaves.


I did trim off a bunch of gross looking leaves. I hate having leaves look like that because it makes me think the bud is going to be gross, but I haven't had an issue with the quality of the bud being negatively effected. I have had a couple plants be pretty airy and I think that may have been because of overfeeding.


I wonder how much she is going to continue to fatten up over the next two weeks or so. At first, I was thinking I was barely going to get two ounces from her during harvest, but I am guessing she is at least three ounces and could even be close to four. It all depends on if the buds stay thick once I start drying. They seem pretty dense, but I have been tricked before.


A little over a week or so ago, I started germination an AK47 seed and then transferred it to a pot, but after almost a week, it never sprouted. So now I have another AK47 and a Sour Diesel seed germinating. I am trying the paper towel method for the Sour Diesel, so hopefully that pops.

This AK47 that never sprouted was the first seed in about a year or so that didn't sprout up for me since I started using this new method of germinating it in water until it cracks open and then I just put it straight into dirt. It may have gotten too cold for it, so I have the seeds germinating on a seedling heating pad which raises the temperature about 10 degrees higher than the room temperature.

The next couple weeks with the crystal candy should be interesting. I am hoping that she continues to fatten up and that she is able to do a bit better without all the shit in the soil. Hopefully I have a couple new babies to throw in the tent too. I can't wait to try out these new strains. I want to get some good sativas to mix things up.

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