Time for the second layer of Scrog Netting


A few days ago, I switched the lights to 12/12 which lets the GDP know it is time for flowering. Over the last couple days, the GDP has begun its preflower stretch and in the next week or two, I will begin seeing some buds begin to form. It is a pretty exciting time in the tent because this will be my first photoperiod that flowers all the way to harvest.

Since it has begun stretching, I wanted to get the second layer of netting in there to give support to the branches because I have a feeling that I am going to have some pretty serious buds growing off of this plant. It is probably the healthiest plant I have ever grown and I am expecting some big weight from this.

A couple days ago, I gave the plant its first feeding of flowering nutrients. During its vegetative cycle, I only gave it nutrients a couple times because the soil has all the nutrients it needs for the first 8 weeks of life, but now that I am starting flower, it is going to need some extra nutrients that aren't in the soil.

I have been extra careful not to overfeed any of the plants this grow and they are all doing so great. The first gorilla glue is going to be ready any day now and has begun showing some of the cool looking fade on the larger fan leaves. I hope that it will continue to change colors before it is ready for harvest, but I honestly don't have a clue when it will be ready because when I check the trichomes, there are always so many new ones that are clear, which pushes the harvest date out further and further. I don't mind giving it extra time to continue to fatten up though. The second gorilla glue is not as dense as the other, but it is starting to get pretty thick now and probably has a few more weeks until its ready.

I am still waiting for that first gorilla glue to finish so I can remove it from the tent and get a northern lights seed started. I may end up growing one of the autos that @jonyoudyer sent me instead of the northern lights. I always enjoy trying out new strains, but I am getting low on northern lights and probably only have about 10 grams of it left. Ive got a few ounces of bubblegum, but honestly, this last bubblegum batch isn't as good as previous ones, so I have not been using it much.

I trimmed up a lot of the lower canopy on the GDP, which will help to keep a nice even canopy for good light penetration. I trimmed off just about everything that is below the first layer of netting because the canopy is going to be thick and it won't let any light penetrate under it, so anything that is under that portion of the canopy will just be leaching nutrients from where the buds are going to be forming.

I also got my second AC Infinity fan in the mail today and set it up in the tent. When I turned it on, I realized that I got an oscillating model, which is pretty cool. I have that fan set up to blow across the top layer of the netting, which will be good for all the new bud sites. The other fan is below the netting to keep the air from getting stagnant under there, which could cause mold issues. So far, this grow is looking like it will be my best one yet and I can't wait to see what happens over the next month or two.

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