CCD Burn Day #1 | 100% CCD from our Voting Service got burned! | BURN! Mother...token aaahm.... BURN!!!


Our new CryptoCompany voting service has now been in existence for 13 days and I wanted to carry out the first CCD burn. Under the voter there is a note that 20% of the CCD sent will be burnt. We currently have a phase of "Bonus Burn!" with a reported 100%. Burn CCD! Burn!

Link to the campfire:

Basically, that would have been it - apart from a small change regarding voting on Actifit Daily Updates. All 52,270.000 CCD from @ccceo.voter sent to @null and that's it. The most important thing for me was to document the burn and communicate it to you. But since we're here right now, a few more numbers? I don't have many...


13 days of voting, 56 votes so far. I have rejected 3 votes and returned the CCD. Anyone who has used the voter once comes back in over 95 percent of cases. (The remaining 5 percent are sure to come back - they just don't have a new article yet, I might think). Unfortunately, I am not yet recording how much HTU the voter contributes or has contributed to its users, while at the same time displaying the CCD investment for it. That would be good to record and a very good advert for the service!


(I can't include the banner here once again, because it would would look overkill... The best would be, you see/imagine this banner constantly in front of your eyes... Which banner? You don't know which banner I mean? Buddy! This one: [you forced me to show it again! I did not prefer to do it, but do it for you! Love ya! Okay, here it is :])

Adaptations regarding @Actifit during the first 13 days:

I didn't originally vote on Actifit Daily Updates. I'll be honest: that didn't seem like quality content to me - hold the booing for a moment please, because that has changed! The voter is now also voting for Actifit Daily Updates, because Actifit is a great thing! I just had to understand this...

After writing the article, I decided to cut it here. It also contains the reason why I vote on Actifit, now. But why cut it? On the one hand, because some of the following words do not belong on this account. But also because the article got out of hand in terms of content and quantity. If you like, you can read a few personal words on the subject - and beyond - on my private blog. I have just published the article with the text cut out.

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day!

Thank you for being here. YOU. ARE. AWESOME!

See you later in the comments!

Make the best out of the your day!

... because here's the banner again - and it's standard for this banner to be here. Now do you know why I didn't want to include the banner above? There you have it! And now you can click on it! I mean, you asked for it! CLICK! NOW!

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