About food. Basil

Ordinary products-vegetables, fruits, nuts, juices and berries – are not just our taste preferences. That's what makes us who we are. It also enriches and enriches the elements necessary for life. But what if we make changes to our usual diet? After all, each product is a storehouse of certain substances that affect the body. Our health, well-being and mood depend on what we eat. And the task of each of us is to learn this information and learn how to use it.


Basil is a spicy, medicinal, annual, highly branchy plant with tetrahedral stems from 30 to 60 cm high. In the wild, it reaches 70 cm. Its leaves are oblong-ovoid, rarely toothed, green or violet up to 5.5 cm long. At the ends of the stems, basil throws out inflorescences in the form of brushes consisting of several flowers. Their coloration can be different: pink, white, white-violet. Blooms in July - September. Before flowering has a very pleasant balsamic odor. The stems, leaves and cups of the flower are rough to the touch. They contain glands that accumulate essential oil, which determines the aroma of this plant, as well as the pleasant smell and taste of the dishes in which it is added.

Homeland of the basil is considered South Asia. In Europe, it fell into the XVI century.

Caloric value of basil

Low-calorie product. In its raw form, 100 grams of basil contains 27 kcal. In the dried basil - 251 kcal due to the increased content of carbohydrates. In a moderate amount, as a seasoning, it will not harm the figure.

Nutrition Facts in 100 grams:

Proteins, grFat, grCarbohydrates, grAsh, grWater, grCalorific value, kcal



Basil contains up to 1.5% essential oil, 6% tannins, glycosides and sour saponin. A strong pleasant smell is due to the presence in the aerial part of its essential oil of a complex composition, the content of which varies in various forms from 0.2% to 1.5%. It includes components: methylhavinol, cineole, linalool, camphor, ocime, tannins, acid saponin. Essential oil has a bactericidal effect. Basil also has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, decoction of leaves used for coughing.

In addition, it contains vitamin C, B2, PP, provitamin A., sugar, carotene, phytoncides, P-rutin.

Basil perfectly stimulates the immune system. It protects against almost all infections. Recent research shows that it helps to curb the growth of HIV, as well as carcinogenic cells.

Basil has treatment for almost all types of respiratory diseases, viral, bacterial and fungal infections of the respiratory tract, including bronchitis (chronic and acute), asthma (reducing inflammation and making breathing easier, and sometimes eliminate the causes of asthma).

Basil is also a diaphoretic and antipyretic agent for influenza, most colds and lung diseases. It removes excess mucus from the lungs and nasal passages, exacerbating sensory perception, removes excess gases from the colon, improves the absorption of nutrients, strengthens the nerve tissue, improves memory. In the form of a drink with honey, basil can be used to clarify the mind.


Since the basil shows an anti-bacterial effect, it easily copes with the problems of the oral cavity: it destroys bacteria that cause caries, tartar, plaque, bad breath, ulcers. It also has astringent properties, through which the gums tighten the teeth, preventing their loss. But the basilica also contains mercury compounds that have bactericidal properties, which can be harmful to the teeth if they are in prolonged contact with this plant. Therefore, it is recommended that you avoid chewing basil leaves. There will be no harm if you do not chew basil, but use its decoction.

The discovery of scientists confirmed that essential oils in the basilica are valuable substances (antioxidants) that protect us from dangerous free radicals (highly aggressive oxygen molecules that can stimulate the appearance of cancer). That is, when we eat basil, we protect ourselves from the loads of the environment and reduce the risk of cancer.

Basil is used in the fight against flatulence, gastrointestinal diseases, enzymes contained in the basilica, contribute to the breakdown and burning of fats in the body - stimulates weight loss. Strengthens the nerves, normalizes sleep.

Another basil strengthens and increases potency.

Methyl kavikol, which is contained in essential oil strengthens the immune system and supports the "youth" of cells. And Eugenol and estragol stimulate mental activity.

Basil can be eaten not only in fresh form, but also brew tea from its leaves: A handful of fresh basil leaves should be thoroughly rinsed, finely chopped and boiled in a liter of water. Then decoction to filter, sweeten with honey and drink slightly warm.



It is known that basil can be harmful if it is used in large quantities. Especially dangerous it can be for those who suffer from epilepsy, heart disease and for women at different stages of pregnancy. Also it is necessary to use it with caution to those who suffer from diabetes, hypertension, thrombophlebitis and ischemic disease. The main reason for contraindications is the content of mercury compounds in the plant. Despite the fact that these substances have bactericidal properties, in large quantities they are harmful to health.

It is because of the presence of mercury that doctors recognize the harm of basil, as well as the drugs that are made on its basis. It has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to poisoning. In some cases, there may be an individual intolerance, and also should not be used by children under seven years of age.

A healthy diet is not a tribute to fashion and not a trend. This is another opportunity to become better, to achieve more! Use it with me! Read the articles and share them in your favorite social networks. Let's make the world healthier together, and ourselves - happier!

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