
@appreciator is more focused on uplifting quality content on the Hive platform and in support of this endeavour, Top 5 posts will be selected daily to be featured here from manually curated posts.


The posts are selected on basis which deserve more recognition and are undervalued.


Makeup inspired by mythological creatures - Demon Faun

By: @wesp05


Very good to all, people of MakeUp Power, I join the initiative of @mintdreams to recreate a makeup inspired by mythological creatures, honestly it was difficult to find a creature that I liked, I wanted to make a minotaur to be more specific but it was really complicated, as I like the dark, so I chose to make a demon faun.


Un lento pero encantador Caracol hecho con partes recicladas. ( DIY ).

By: @crazydani


Hola, queridos amigos de Hive. Hoy fue un día lento a tal punto que me inspiro para hacer un caracol de componentes eléctricos, el cual fue muy fácil de hacer, ya que no lleva en realidad muchas piezas, solo les quería compartir un poco de las figuras o decoraciones que hago en mi tiempo libre.


Evolution of edged tools results in G-dog's MUT

By: @galenkp


Humans have been using edged tools for a long time; We first began to use sharpened tools around 2.6 million years ago and that honour goes to Homo habilis. For perspective, Homo sapiens, that's us folks, transitioned to permanent agricultural settlements only 10,000 years ago...So the other homo's that came before us had been using, and developing, edged tools for a long time!


Welcome To The Machine : Presentation of the hive machine, Cover of La Vida Boheme - Flamingo.

By: @thehivemachine


The new musical Project of the blockchain that seeks to unite the greatest artist in the platform such as musicians, editors and producers are all welcome to create one place where the main goal is to have fun doing mas up


Un día relajado. Porque a veces hay que simplemente relajarse.

By: @lachg89


Hola, amigos. Espero que estén teniendo un buen fin de semana. Yo tuve una mañana con mucha flojera, de esas que nos dan a veces. Literlamente no he querido ni darme un baño


Keep up the awesome work!

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Disclaimer: Appreciator is merely a support system for the Hive Community and does not directly endorse any of the viewpoints shared in the selected posts.

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