Prostate: an organ to take care of

I wish a great weekend to everyone in the Stemsocial community, I bring another interesting topic for everyone.

I will share today a post with the intention of socializing information that can be very helpful for everyone, even though the topic I will discuss today is something that basically affects men, it is always good for both men and women to know about it. The fact that men do not have ovaries does not hurt to learn about the diseases that affect this important pair organ in women, to be able to understand many things, for example.

Similarly, it is not superfluous that women also know about the problems affecting the Prostate, which is well known to be an organ that especially as we advance in age tends to affect men so much. Read on, I have to say that I am sure you will be interested.

Pixabay/ Author: jaocampoz

The prostate is an organ that is part of the male reproductive system. It makes its contributions with certain elements and fluids in the seminal fluid. It is located (as can be seen in the following image) below the urinary bladder, and usually surrounds part of the urethra, that is, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside.

This is the reason why when the prostate is affected, the urinary system will also be affected, especially limiting the possibility of normal urination.

But beyond this, it has a function in the ejaculation process, it serves to exert pressure at the moment of semen expulsion at the time of ejaculation, in addition to providing substances to the seminal fluid. However, most of it is formed in the seminal glands, which are on the sides and above the prostate, with which it has contact.

As can be seen, the prostate is just in front of the rectum, which is why rectal examination is usually one of the ways to know the consistency of the prostate, that is, if it is hardened or not.

Public Domain Image

It is not known exactly what causes the prostate to increase in size as age advances, but it is very clear that hormones are related to prostate growth. There tends to be a hyperplasia of this organ as the years go by, especially after the age of 50-55 years.

As this organ increases in size, it presses on the urethra and this is the reason why there is usually an interruption in the flow of urine.
It is also related to excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet, for example, excessive consumption of spicy food (although this is not confirmed).

There are potential problems that result as complications of this inflammatory process of this glandular organ, what is usually the most serious complication is undoubtedly cancer, but others may occur as persistent urinary obstruction leading to recurrent urinary tract infections, which can affect the kidneys and further complicate health.

Pixabay/ Author: BookBabe

It is important to make people understand this, because it is usually a constant cause of consultations, and due to lack of knowledge, a great burden of anxiety can be generated in the couple that attends, because usually the man always comes to the consultation accompanied by his wife.

Recently I have been attending or guiding a close person in a case of prostatic hyperplasia. Which by proximity and kinship is not usually indicated, rather is under the control of a specialist and I am more someone who helps to clarify doubts of treatment, tests, etc..

A little over a month ago, a first test was done, of the so-called prostatic antigens, and the results were as follows. (I have omitted the name out of respect)(I have omitted the name out of respect)*.

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As I have discussed in other publications, normal laboratory values are obtained by measuring the concentration of a specific protein or substance in the blood. In this case prostate specific antigen (PSA) , which is a protein found specifically in prostate cells, and released into the bloodstream.

When for some reason these cells increase in size or number, the amount of PSA is also found in the blood in greater quantities. Normal values are obtained when the PSA concentration is measured in men who do not have any alteration in the prostate, and standardized.

You can see in the image above that this patient has a PSA value almost 20 times what is considered normal. This indicates an inflammatory problem. Even prostate cancer should be ruled out in this case. Next I will share with you a test from 3 days ago, 08/11/2022, after more than a month with treatment.

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The values have decreased considerably, but they are still altered, still very high. He is in consultation with a urologist, who is the specialist of the male reproductive system. I hope he can get out of this process, but he is still in treatment, and he still needs to have some other imaging tests to get a better impression of how he is doing inside.

He has a bladder catheter, which is what allows him to urinate without any problem, since as I explained before, he could no longer do it in a normal way, due to the inflammatory process of the prostate.

I have noticed that most men do not know much about their reproductive system, it is still a big taboo, and I do not fully explain why. But I think this topic is very important, since it can educate as well as raise awareness about it.

Hoping that this information that I have brought is to your liking and of maximum benefit.

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