Bajai Life Camp 18.02: Day 514

Bajai Life Camp 18.02: Day 514
Friday November 2, 2018
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
182.4 (181.8 later)
28.14% high on fitness

I woke up at 04:00 and couldn't get back to sleep. I made it to TDSC (Thomas DeVietro Strength & Conditioning) by 06:30-ish and participated in half of the class and nearly hit the wall... Early. Half the class consisted of dead lifts and kettle bell work. And it took me to the wall... almost. Can't over-stress that. Then followed that up with a 5x5; squats (0-20* lbs): over head press (0-20 lbs): bent row and bench press. I went light and slow.
*plus the bar
One bit of wisdom Tommy shared and I agree with, is that I must learn these techniques all over again. This time around I have a good coach. Books were my coaches last time and my kids were my motivation. This time around... hmmm, I just want to be strong for health, self defense and a bit of intimidation, and vanity, near the bottom of the list. Longevity comes under health.

Post workout supplements, and creatine.

Oh yes... they have a bodyweight measurement device there. I didn't like my numbers. On the plus size, as I remember, BMI is around 24.1... or is that my body fat? This means I'm 44 lbs of fat!! But I'm not overweight. Next time I'll have my camera with me.

I think I can work out more today. I should join the Y for two months. It will carry me just beyond New Year.

Debuted the Come Back with mom. Fifteen minutes of easy calisthenics. And then lively debate on election week.

20181102_Philly Pigeon.png
The sad, fearful stories on Philadelphia's youth culture.

The inaugural hangout with the Lama and friend, good choice by the way, found us at a poetry slam, Philadelphia Pigeon. It was good, but it was sad. I took notes. They may mean nothing to you, dear reader, so I'll add them for me.

Here are my notes:

Philly pigeon poetry slam
Collective participatory ?? (This means censorship of "phobic" speech.)

Lotta anger and pain and insecurity in the room, on the stage. Fear, hypocrisy. Weakness.... victimization. What's happened to these kids and what will they do to change it?
Jasmin was really good. Presentation. I liked it.
No love, abuse.
So far separated from these kids in age, experience.... glad my kids didn't have to go through this shit.
Judges love the anger. They judge by pity. Only few write. Most read from phones.

They thrive on pain. Sadness. Tears.

Maya good presentation, good performance. The final piece was uncharacteristically positive. She shared the "win."

Then a late meal at Silk City. Lots of smiles from pretty ladies. Then home to bed... well sofa.


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