
Celiac disease is not a disease, but a clinical condition that manifests itself with a permanent gluten intolerance. Dr. Senatore Giovanna, a nutritionist biologist, a specialist in Food Science, speaks about it. Celiac disease can develop in particular moments of life, such as weaning, pregnancy, surgery, viral infection or other occasions of acute stress (not before, however, weaning) in genetically predisposed subjects.

Recognizing it from symptoms is not easy because they are various and do not always manifest themselves at the level of the digestive system; for example, recurrent abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, weight loss, clear stools, anemia, gas production, bone pain, behavioral changes, muscle cramps, fatigue, delayed growth (in children), etc.
There is no form of prevention because as we said at the base there is a genetic predisposition! However, caution is used in children not to give foods with gluten before the year of age, to reduce the risk of developing celiac disease in children at high genetic risk.


It is very important to underline that in recent times we are bombarded with information in all fields and also in health, information that is not always correct and above all not always easy to interpret. In fact, many stop eating foods containing gluten because they believe they suffer from disorders due to their ingestion, without precise medical indications.

It is thought that eliminating gluten a priori our troubles are resolved


This is not true! Unless an intolerance or at least a sensitivity to gluten is highlighted.
Eliminating gluten without reason can lead to micronutrient deficiencies; even the same celiac should be followed for some time by a professional to assess that his gluten-free diet does not lead to any deficiency, such as B vitamins, iron, magnesium, folic acid, and fibers.

Moreover, if we were to actually have an intolerance to gluten, eliminating it a priori we would not be able to diagnose it.

What is healthy eating for a celiac? It is necessary to totally eliminate gluten from food. In addition to foods prepared specifically for coeliacs there are many foods naturally devoid of it such as rice, buckwheat, corn, amaranth, cassava, millet, quinoa, sorghum, teff with regard to cereals, also legumes, potatoes, fish, meat, eggs, milk and cheese, vegetables and fruit are all naturally gluten-free.


In any case, cereals that are not permitted for coeliacs are found in many food products and the risk of contamination is high in industrial processing processes, so it is necessary to read the labels and the symbol of the "barred ear" gives the celiac information easily visible and reassuring.

Celiac enters the pizzeria ... How should this be organized?


First of all, we must clarify that for celiacs gluten is dangerous only if ingested. So, unless you have contact sensitivity (in that case it is pathology) you can also work in restaurants or pizzerias.
One thing of no small importance is the study by the staff. It is necessary that there is in-depth information on all the dishes that a celiac person can ingest and on how to prepare the room: only in this way can a correct gluten-free diet be assured.

So do not worry! Ask all the questions you want before ordering. It is your right to eat with tranquility.


The pizzeria must provide a non-contaminated, separate processing environment. Besides, therefore, the use of raw material (flour, mozzarella, and condiments) without gluten is necessary to avoid any kind of contamination: the ideal would be a dedicated space exclusively for the preparation of "special" pizzas. With dedicated equipment, use of trays with raised edges, dedicated seasoning ingredients, use of mozzarella and non-processed cheeses (if not indicated in the AIC handbook), avoid using the oven in promiscuity (prefer the double oven). Or the gluten-free pizzas should be prepared before all the others on the shelf just cleaned, but this solution is not easily managed in a pizzeria where the orders of the pizzas arrive at different times!

Then? Take care of your restaurateurs, you pizza makers, your final customers.

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