Pamcooks Food Photography SOS Help Required!📷🥕🌽🍓🍎📸

Hi my amazing steemians!

Since joining Steemit I have been inspired by all things food.I have really enjoyed viewing other steemians food photograhy.

I am a cook but I do not claim to be a photographer.My photos are still basic slap dash (who cares about the lighting).Click click.Food Selfie Yay Done! But I actually want my food to do all the talking rather then my words.

I made this gorgeous jamaican style fish and rice dish yesterday.I have to pay homage to my lovely friend Christlee for the inspirational dish.So I thought I would practice my non existent photography skills.I dont think I did too bad.... I will let use be the judge of that though.

Image 1 - Pre Oven baked Smoked Salmon & Hadock on a bed of onions, garlic and peppers


**Image 2 **- Pre Oven roasted sensationally sweet potatoe infused with sprigs of fresh thyme


** Image 3 ** - Pre Baked assortment of seasonal veggies coated with Olive oil and Crushed garlic


I love how vibarant the food looks.Unfortunately preping the food I have fantastic lighting, but by the time I have cooked the meal, evening draws in and the pics do not come out the same.All my photos are taken on my Samsung S7.So no folks not got any hi tech equipment here.

Well this is how my completed dish come together.It was sooo scrummy.Hubby and kids polished it off.You can see difference with the photo quality.It could be way better!



So my fellow steemians.If you could send me your advice on food photography I am welcome to all suggestions.I am here to learn and share.Would really appreciate your Food for Thoughts!!!! ❤🍓🌽🥕❤

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